Chapter Four

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Lukha POV

My heart was beating rapidly, as if I just finished a run. My body was trembling. Twitching nervously in constricting arms. I didn't like this, I didn't like this at all.

I whimpered when I felt the vibrations of a disappointed groan. My vision got dizzy, and I closed my eyes tightly when I felt my stomach get unsure.

"I'll be a minute," Constantine's deep voice bounded across the room. I felt him move. Then placed me down on a slippery surface. I stumbled, and almost fell fast on my face if it weren't for large palms catching me around my stomach.

He held me up with one palm under my chest. It was nearly large enough to cover the whole underside of my body.

I squirmed when cold water splashed down on my back. He kept a firm hold while rinsing off my whole body. Moving me around and flipping me to my back to get every part of me wet.

He pulled my dripping form out of the tub, and started rubbing me down with a towel. I shivered from the coldness it left when leaving my fur. The shock the cold left, got to me. I felt the familiar burn of the change, and I embraced it this time. Instead of fighting it.

I felt the cold even more, now that I was in my human skin. I pulled my shivering arms over my head. Feeling the most hair on my body.

Constantine lifted me up under my arms, and hauled me to his room. He guided my legs through soft cloth that hugged my hips. It was still very loose, and he had to roll the top to keep it up on my body.

I was still shivering, so Constantine swaddled me up in a soft blanket. I purred and snuggled deeper into the warmth. Constantine held me close to his chest, and carried me out to were the humans waited.

I started shaking in fear when I felt eyes prod my back. I latched myself tighter on Constantine. To many humans.

"He shifted to his human form," Constantine rumbled. "He needs to get used to it. This is good practice."

"Oh how precious," a soft female voice spoke.

I felt Constantine pull the blanket off my head. I flopped my head back. Capturing blue eyes and a motherly smile. The woman reached out and started stroking my hair. I let her, she reminded me of my mother.

"He's lovely, such beautiful green eyes." She smiled even bigger.

"Isn't he beautiful Hun." She addressed the monster of a male beside her. I pulled the blanket back over my head when he stared at me.

"A small thing, but very beautiful." His deep voice rumbled.

Constantine placed me down on a soft, comfortable surface. I peeked my eyes out. Noticing Constantine talking to his parents across from me.

I stayed down. I already saw him angry once and I don't want to see it again.

I curled up on my side, and brought my knees to my chest. Closing my eyes and giving out a tired yawn. I snuggled deeper into the warmth. Not a movement stirred my body, and the lulling smell of the blanket pushed me to sleep.


Constantine POV

I laid lukha on a cushion between my legs. He curled up in a fetal position and just slept.

I scooted closer to the documents on my desk, and started reading them over.

My mother and father left shortly ago, pleased with what I brought home. He still needed to get his shots, and many
Other things. But I was content for now to let him sleep.

He also needed to get trained. I wasn't worried about it though. He is already so docile.

He stirred a little, and I looked down to find slitted green eyes staring me down. He lay flopped on his back. Wild black hair sticking every which way. The underwear I clothed him in had slithered down his little body. His thighs were thrown open, and his fingers twiddled the fabric now barely covering his nudity. His posture expressed his display of submission.

"How was your nap?" I reached down and started petting his little stomach. He didn't answer me, but he did push himself closer to my touch.

I pulled the chewy out of the container in my pocket, and coaxed it into his mouth. He snatched it up. Flipping to his tummy and fiercely chewing it. I rubbed his long back in silent encouragement.

I frowned when the fabric starting sliding off his bottom again. I reached down and just took it off. I'm sure Lukha felt a lot better now in the nude.

This was also an important transitioning period, so I wanted him very comfortable.

"How about some food?" I pushed my chair back, reaching down to pick him up. Plastering him against my chest. With a forearm under his bottom for support.

I went to the kitchen and pulled out some cooked leftover chicken. I fed him little chunk by little chunk until his belly pudged out and he whimpered for me to stop.

I felt him doze off on my shoulder. With a full stomach and purring contently.

I placed him down on a cushion at the foot of my bed. Pulling a soft blanket over his shoulders. He needed all the rest he could get. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for him.

I went back to my office after Lukha entered a deep slumber. Pulling out my phone and calling around to set up appointments for tomorrow.

It was easy enough to accomplish I was our nations Warlord, and news of Lukha already spread around like a wildfire.

I pushed the thoughts of my title away and busied myself into my work. I was going to be very behind tomorrow. Now that I had two responsibilities to uphold.

A knock echoed in my office. "Sir, Colonial Dachorus is seeking conference with you."

"Let him in," I leaned back in my chair. Lacing my fingers together with iron face.

The doors creaked open and Leeshel Duchorus my colonial entered. Following behind was his large black panther.

He seated himself,"I heard you found the one, and from the paparazzi pictures a small cheetah?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Perfect," he grinned. "I always new you would get a small shifter, I congratulate you."

"Thank you," I smirked.

"Now I came here to tell you. Since you've been away. More refugees have entered our borders, and with that the people of the Outlands are rallying together an army."

I rubbed my chin. While Tapping my finger against my armrest. "Send in some scouts, and see how serious this "army" is."

Leeshel grinned,"exactly what I was thinking." He stood up and went for the door. "Have fun on your honeymoon."
He hollered just before exiting.

I rolled my head back and chuckled. I certainly would.

Leeshel above

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