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After getting that text from Louis, Anna quickly ran to the bathroom and wiped away any tears that still remained on her cheeks from earlier when she had ended her decade-long friendship with her best friend.

She looked down at her clothes and decided she didn't want to be wearing a SpongeBob SquarePants tank top and plaid pajama bottoms during her first time video chatting with Louis.

She shuffled back to her bedroom and looked through her closet for something better to wear. She picked out her usual ripped skinny jeans and a striped, pink and white sweater, then set out her laptop on her bed.

Anna's phone buzzed from its place on her bed by her pillow and she immediately rushed to see who it was, hoping Louis hadn't backed out of wanting to video chat.

Louis: you have Skype, right?

Anna: Yes

Louis: what's your name? I'm tommo91

Anna: annaiscool

Louis: Seriously?

Anna: don't judge

She jumped on her bed, quickly typing in her password and bringing up Skype. She saw a notification window pop up on the side of her screen, letting her know that she had been added to someone's contacts.

tommo91: you good?

tommo91: can I call you now?

annaiscool: yeah, I'm ready

tommo91: okay :)

Anna took a deep breath, straightening her hair one last time.

tommo91 is calling...

Anna quickly clicked the green button to accept the call and Louis' face came into view. His hair was flat against his forehead, the fringe looking a lot longer than it had a month ago when Anna had seen him last.

"Hello," his smooth, accented voice was music to Anna's ears. "It's me."

"I swear I'll hang up," Anna threatened jokingly, putting an end to Louis' plans of singing the rest of Adele's Hello.

"It's nice to see you too," Louis rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. "I almost forgot how beautiful you are."

"Lou," Anna turned her face away, so he couldn't see her reddening cheeks. "You're making me blush."

"Aw, the fact that I can do that through video chat is adorable," he commented.

"You make me blush through text all the time," Anna confessed, facing her laptop's webcam again. "It's quite annoying."

"You love it," Louis placed his device against something not visible to Anna, so that he could lean back.

"Are you on your phone?" Anna asked, her head tilted.

"Yeah, I left my laptop in Harry's room," he replied. "I'm too lazy to go get it."

"Where are you?" Anna chuckled, trying to look at the things behind Louis.

"I'm in my hotel room, we just finished tonight's show," he told her. "What about you? Is that your room?" Anna nodded and he went on, "Show me."

Texting Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now