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"Um, what do you mean you're leaving?" Anna scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion, her eyes on Eric. Harry had allowed her and Louis to come back in the house after he saw them talk through the living room window. They were sitting on the couch, Anna pressed against Louis' side, while his arm was draped over her shoulders.

"What you heard," Eric replied. "I'm gonna show the boys around and you two can...catch up? I don't know, but what I do know is that we're leaving."

"What if - "

A bark coming from the back door stopped Anna from talking. Eric raised a finger, then rushed to open up the door for a freezing Willow. Eric picked the dog up, smiling as she licked all over his face. "I forgot to let her back in."

"Oh my goodness, is this Willow?!" Louis jumped up and took the puppy from Eric. She wagged her tail excitedly, enjoying the abundance of attention she was getting.

"Yep, it is," Eric smiled, then returned his attention to Anna. "What were you saying?"

"What if mom comes home early or something?" Anna finished what she had wanted to ask earlier.

"Uh...you tell her that this is Louis and he came to visit? What's the big deal?" Eric raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know if she'll be - "

"Don't worry, A, I already talked to mom," he put his sister at ease. "She's okay with it as long as you two sleep in separate rooms."

"Aw, man," Louis joked, putting Willow down.

"Watch it," Eric slapped his arm playfully, then placed a kiss on Anna's forehead. "We're gonna get going now. See you guys later."

"Bring back food!" Anna called as Harry, Niall, Liam, and Eric left the house.

Anna and Louis heard the slamming of car doors and then the sound of it driving away.

"We're all alone," Louis said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What do you propose we do?" Anna played along, trailing her fingers up his arm.

"I don't know, you tell me,"

"I was thinking..." she began.

"Yeah?" Louis couldn't wait to hear Anna say she wanted to -

"Let's bake a cake!" She squealed, running away from him and towards the kitchen.

Louis frowned, following after her slowly, "Yay, just what I was thinking."

"Mmm, I'm sure you were," Anna laughed, taking out all the ingredients they would need to bake a delicious, vanilla cake.

"Ugh, Anna, you should be kissing me and loving me and enjoying my company."

"I am!" She smiled, throwing her hands up in the air. Her smile quickly faded and Louis tilted his head in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just...we didn't really officially get back together," Anna said, dropping the whisk she had just picked up on the kitchen counter.

"Are you serious?" Louis questioned, sighing.

"Yes," she nodded, stepping closer to him, until she was standing right in front of him. "You never asked."

"Fine," Louis cleared his throat and Anna giggled. He got down on one knee and she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. "Anna Grace Parks, I am madly in love with you and nothing would make me happier than- "

"Louis, I'm too young to get married."

"I was trying to be romantic, not propose!"

"Okay, go on," she grinned.

"Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"Hmm," Anna put her finger on her chin as she tried to look deep in thought.

Louis looked hopeful, smiling up at her.

"Yes, of course," she pulled him up and pressed her lips to his in a short kiss, before she pulled away. "That was a lot better than the first time we became official."

"The first time was odd," Louis agreed.

"Now, let's do this thing," Anna set a bowl down on the island.

"Oh boy."



Okay idk of its a coincidence but in No Homo's most recent chapter Harry called Briana "Banana Jungleworms" AND I LITERALLY HAD ANNA CALL HER THAT 16 CHAPTERS AGO and it was that exact name combination SO I'M LIKE OMG DOES LEANNE READ MY STORY?!?

I'd cri I love No Homo





also, I have a really long message since it's Louis' birthday (technically, although not where I live yet) ;

My dearest Lou,

I can't believe you're turning 24, when I remember seeing an insecure, 18-year-old give a shaky audition on The X Factor as if it was just yesterday. Louis William Tomlinson, you mean so, so, much to me that I currently have a blurry view of my typing due to the amount of tears streaming down my cheeks. For some odd reason, I am most protective of you in the band, I look out for you always, I make sure you always look happy in interviews, I worry about your general well-being at any given moment of the day. You are one of the most beautiful people to ever grace this earth and it is shocking to me how someone like you doesn't even know how incredibly amazing they are. Louis, you deserve the world and so much more. You are a literal ball of sunshine, your laughs are enough to make my sadness go away, your smooth voice brings me such emotion that it is hard to believe how someone I've never even met, has this powerful of an impact on me. I'd like to end this by saying, you do not need to be insecure about anything, ever, because I love you for you, no matter the imperfections. I hope you're never sad, although that's hard to hope for, because there is no way you can never be sad, but just the thought brings me to tears again.

Be brave, Lou, I believe in you.

I love you with all my heart.

Happy birthday, angel.

Texting Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now