Trouble strikes again

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All I can say is sorry(: I'm sorry for how this chapter ends and what actually happens!


The first sign of real Uther trouble was a couple weeks later when the prince was sitting in his chambers writing a letter to a knight of a neighbouring kingdom and Kevin came bursting through the chamber doors.

“PRINCE ARTHUR!” Kevin shouted nearly tripping over his own feet. Arthur chucked down his writing feather and stood up from the table accidently spilling his ink all over his letter.

“What is wrong, Kevin?” The Pendragon asked, concerned by the terrified look on his old man-servant’s face.

“My… my lord… Uther… has” Kevin puffed, clearly tired from all the running.

 “Calm down Kevin, just tell me what’s happened” Arthur reassured him before looking down at his letter and realising his mistake.  The prince sighed as he picked up the spilt ink cartridge and picked up the letter to try and pour the ink off.

Kevin took a second to catch his breath then continued to warn the prince, “Uther is currently banishing Merlin from Camelot for unlawful behaviour in the throne room!” Arthur suddenly stopped with the now seemingly unimportant mess and looked up at Kevin with a look of pure confusion and fear.

“No..” The prince whispered before dropping his ruined letter and running towards his chamber doors. “Thank you Kevin!” Arthur shouted as he left the room and desperately ran towards the throne room.

“Restrain him!” Uther ordered loudly as his son burst into the room. Two tough guards quickly grabbed Arthur and restrained both his arms before he could even reach for his sword. There weren’t many people in the throne room at the moment, only a handful of guards, Uther and a sad looking Merlin kneeling on the floor. The king most likely wanted to keep this whole ordeal quiet but by next week the whole kingdom would know of the scandal. The young prince tried to struggle his way out of the guard’s grip so he could get to Merlin and protect him but the guards were too strong.

“Let me go you fools, I’m the prince!” Arthur shouted, still squirming and thrashing his legs around. The prince then stopped trying to escape for a moment as he caught eye contact with Merlin and they stared at each other hopelessly. “Merlin…” Arthur murmured although the man-servant couldn’t hear him.

Merlin turned back towards Uther as he continued his banishment, “You are to leave Camelot by sun down and never return. If you do, you shall be put to death.” Merlin nodded sadly in agreement as Arthur continued to protest and thrash against the guards.

“Don’t make me order the guards to send you to the dungeons son… or even banish you” Uther threatened half-heartily. Arthur stopped struggling and stood up straight to look his father in the eye.

“Do it because then at least I would be away from you!” Arthur spat hatefully. The king looked away, shamefully. “Do it father!” Arthur challenged, louder this time.

“Escort Merlin to his house so he can pick up his things then escort him out of the castle” Uther instructed his guards, completely ignoring his son. Two guards seemed to come out of nowhere and grabbed the man-servant by the arms, lifted him to his feet and started to drag him out of the throne room.  Surprising Merlin didn’t even fight against them; it was like he had already accepted his fate and it physically hurt Arthur to think that Merlin was okay with leaving him. But suddenly as Merlin noticed how hard his boyfriend was still fighting to get to him he felt the fight return to him and he started struggling against the guards as well. As Merlin got dragged closer to Arthur they both reached out their hands and tried to reach each other… just to touch once more.



The guards that were holding Merlin were now pulling him back and around the prince but he kept reaching for his lover. Arthur tried to reach that tiny bit further as their hands were only about 2 centimetres apart although now the guards were pulling him back as well. Merlin was suddenly yanked back and dragged closer to the door, and more importantly further away from Arthur. The prince felt tears burn his eyes as he continued to pull against the guards but now he was further away than ever from his boyfriend and he could feel any remaining hope slipping away.

Arthur was about to give up when he felt one of the guard’s grip on his arm loosen and he managed to wedge his way free. The young Pendragon ran to Merlin and entwined their fingers, which gave the man-servant that extra bit of strength to pull out of the guard’s grip and fall into Arthur. He desperately wrapped his arms around his lover as he kept one hand holding on to the prince’s.

“Trust me when I say I’m going to find you and look after you” Arthur managed to whisper to his boyfriend before the guards were at them again and pulling them apart. Two of the guards dragged Merlin away and the other two threw Arthur to the ground. The prince quickly sat up, ignoring his pounding head and the burning sensation in his wrist to see the guards dragging Merlin out through the double doors.

“No, Merlin!” Arthur cried, holding out his hand one last time before the doors shut in front of him.

“You are a disappointment to this kingdom and to me” Uther insulted from behind him.

Arthur turned around and pleaded with him, “Please father.” He could still hear Merlin yelling and kicking the door from the hallway.

“You disgust me!” The king shuddered, glaring at his son on the floor. Arthur gained the will-power and pulled himself to his hands and knees. He felt a new pain shot up through his leg but he kept trying to stand up. He brought his legs under him and pushed himself up until he was fully standing. It hurt Arthur to put all of his weight on his left leg and it hurt to stand up straight so the prince stood lob-sided.

 “…I love him” Arthur murmured his voice low and weak, finally confessing his true feelings to his father. Arthur had no idea how his father would react; would he stay silent and just walk out? Would he scream and yell? Would he grab his sword and run him through where he stood? All the prince knew at the moment was that it wouldn’t be good.

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