Chapter 1

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It's been another month. Yeah, I'm on a plane right now to Japan, more specifically Tokyo. My friends Gaige, Clare, Andy and Gwen all tell me that their jealous, but really I'm the jealous one. They get to stay at home sweet home with familiar people and familiar sights.

My dad is sitting next to me. His half moon glasses start to lower on his nose while he reads, so he pushes them up. His blue eyes skim the pages while his blonde hair starts to creep over his face. Really, I look nothing like him, with my h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. I look more like mom, but she's back in America.

They got divorced three months ago, and dad was so mad that he didn't even want to live on the same continent as her. He says he's found work here, but I highly doubt that. He knows I love mom very much, so he tries not to talk about her very much. I'll visit her again in the summer when schools out, but that's a ways away, since it's January. At least I got to spend Christmas and New Years with her.

I pulled out my phone in its f/c case. I scrolled through my contacts. It's 5:00 in the morning on a Thursday. School was off break about two weeks ago. Everyone should be awake getting ready for school.

Now that I think about it, I am pretty lucky, getting off school. I don't start at this highschool till next Monday. I'll get the tour tomorrow after dad and I unpack, or start.

My phone starts to vibrate. I look and see that everyone was talking with me through our group chat we set up on my last day of school.

Gwen: Hey girlfriend! How's Japan?

Andy: Is it amazing?!? I heard there is the biggest Pokémon store there. Can u get me something, plz?!?!

Gaige: How is it, really???

Clare: Guys, slow down. Y/n, are you even off the plane yet?

I laugh quietly and start to reply.

Me: I'm not off the plane, thanks for asking. It's pretty dark here as well. How are you guys?

The replies came as soon as I hit send.

Andy: I'm amazing! Super hyper this morning too!

Gwen: We could tell, you ijit!!

Gaige: Gwen, keep it PG.

Clare: Really, Gaige?

Me: Yeah, really? Lol!

We talked a little longer until about 7:50, they hade to shut off their phones for school.

I got out my tablet and looked up some videos from f/y's (favorite YouTuber) channel, since they had made a new video. The plane had free WiFi, so I spent the next 9 hours watching videos by them and some of my other favorites. At about 4, we were about at the airport, so I pulled out my Rosetta Stone app to practice some more Japanese.

The app gave me some easy words:

Sayōnara (goodbye)
Kon'nichiwa (hello)

Then it moved onto some common sentences:

Anata no namae wa nandesuka (what's your name)
Anata ga sukina kyoku o motte imasu (do you have a favorite song)

I practiced till 10, when we finally landed. Ha, I would be in Spanish right now if not for my dad. Thanks, but I still miss my teacher, Mr. Cook.

Dad and I got off the plane and got our luggage. We left through the entrance, but my dad had to ask where it was a couple times, plus with a little difficulty, since he mostly spent the flight sleeping or reading.

We took a taxi and got to our apartment building entrance, Kingu damu (The Kingdom). It was very nice, small but still looked expensive compared to both my other houses. How did dad get the money to pay for this?

We brought our things to our room, number 107, and started to unpack.

I got about 3/4th's of the way to finishing unpacking, when dad said we were gonna go out to eat. He said I could chose, but I didn't know any good places. We walked so I would be able to translate the signs better this way.

The sidewalks were packed, even the streets were crowded with cars. It'll be really bad for when dad has to go to work at a popular writing company, I think it was called Surikkupēji (The Slick Pages).

I then saw a sign that looked pretty interesting. I pulled dad off to the side and got out my translation app. The name was "Hashi, Tōkyō no saikō no sushi resutoran" or "Chopsticks, Tokyo's best sushi restaurant".

I thought sushi was ok, so I told dad I wanted to eat there. We walked in, sat down, ordered then waited. Dad tried to make some small talk.

"How do you like it?" He asked.

"Sore wa, kore made ni kanari subarashī kotodesu," (it's pretty great so far) I reply.

Dad gave me a look. He's been having trouble translating words recently, so I started talking in Japanese to help him out.

"It's pretty good so far?" He guessed.

" 'Great', but close enough." I informed him.

"Well, I'm getting better," dad admitted.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"At least you like it here," dad said.

"It's ok, I mean, I haven't seen a lot."

"Yeah, we can look around tomorrow if you want."

"Can't, remember? We have to take the school tour."

"Well, about that, my boss called me and told me I have to go in earlier than he said. I'll drop you off with the forms I've already filled out. You can take the tour then walk home."

"Anata wa sudeni kono dai tokai de watashi o shinrai?" (You already trust me in this big city?) I asked.

"Mochiron, anata ga shite iru hijō ni dokuritsu shita on'nanoko, Y/N." (Of course, you're an independent girl, y/n) dad replied.

"Getting better," I told him with a smile.

The waitress came by with our food and we dug in. Mine was super good! I think, if I translated right, it was supposed to be made with barley and white rice (I don't know a lot about sushi, so stick with me). It was awesome.

Dad and I finished rather quickly, so we paid and headed home in the huge crowd of people.

We both spent the rest of the day unpacking. I finished around 4, so I texted everyone until they had to go. I went to bed around 8, pretty happy with my new life here in Tokyo.

Maybe it won't be that bad...

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