Chapter 1

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"But Dan, I thought you hated those people" Phil whined to Dan as they made their way down the road to Dan's old high school. "You told me they were just a bunch of bum faces". Dan laughed to himself at Phils choice of words. Ever since they met Phil had only sworn once (if you count Oh my God to be swearing). However he understood what phil meant about the reason they were going. Little did Phil know but Dan was planning to show off how lucky he was ending up with Phil. Those high school bullies probably ended up living next door to there parents (in the local jail!). Phil wasn't going to shut up anytime soon so Dan silenced him with a kiss on his chapsticked lips and said to him; "Phil, you need to see my past- and no I don't mean meet my mum again, you guys couldn't stop talking about my baby photos" Dan said with small breaks in between for kisses on phils adorable little nose, "I also need reassurance that my life is turning out better than that of arseholes like them". Phil understood and they headed into the grey building hand in hand.

"Oi, its Dandruff!!" called a voice from somewhere in the crowded, stuffy room which was the gym-hall from Dan's school days. Dan shuddered and immediately wanted to turn around and go home to his warm, safe flat, but was stopped by a reassuring glance from the love of his life. And so he proceeded. After a quick hello to Will, James and Harvey (his only "friends"- also known as people he could bare) he made his way through the people he couldn't remember-or care less about-and headed straight for the bar. To his utter disappointment there was no more alcohol it was all done from others who-like him-needed a drink to stand the bitches and fuckboys from their past. All of a sudden the door opened with a bang and in stormed Josh (the cause of Dan's pain). Behind him was a skinny girl with a pram who looked about 17. Josh strutted through the hall while Dan ducked his head in shear terror. Unfortunately Dan ducked right into a waitress carrying a tray of crisps which launched themselves into Dan's gorgeous mane. "Dandruff, get over here you twat!". Dan slowly trudged with his head down and 80 or so eyes digging into his back.

"Danny, its so good to see you!" the steroid pumped oaf slurred in an obviously drunk, but scary manner. "What does it take to get a a man a strong drink around here" he yelled. "There's no booze left" Dan whispered. Briefly he looked over at Phil who looked as scared as Dan felt and mouthed to Dan Let's get out of here. Dan is unfortunately notorious for misunderstanding and read it as go get drinks for him which was an obvious mistake. "I'll go and get more drinks for everyone" Dan piped up. Phil gave him a questionable stare but didn't interfere. "Well look whos finally grown a pair" Josh cheered. He handed Dan a few quid and so did a few others, Dan luckily had a bit more money in his flash fanny pack which he wore under his tan chinos (it knd of looked like he just had a large derriere).

While Dan was leaving, Phil was to busy thinking about the Delia Smith plushie he had just bought and unfortunately missed the whole Dan leaving thing and it want until Dan's old teacher Mrs Kipton started hitting on him that he noticed Dan was gone. All of a sudden Phil started to panic and as he ran out to find Dan he bumped into Josh who was smoking a joint with the woman who had the pram. "What is up with you bruv?" he raged, but before Phil could answer he was shoved to the ground and his vision began to blur. As it cleared he saw the dead eyes of a junkie a junkie who he didn't want to mess with... "Dan help me" he cried

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