|Chapter 3- Final Part|

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"Right you little piece of sh!t" Phil wasn't scared any more. In fact he just wanted revenge on the person who had caused his lover so much misery. "You may think you're big and clever but you're nothing but a cheap junkie!" Phil spat out the words in flurried, angry manner and started to rise up to the oaf who had caused his ironic partner to have horrible nightmares. In a burst of anger Phil wrapped his small hands round the bully's throat until Josh's breath started slowing and his heartbeat neared to an end. When he fell to the floor there was an almighty crash... Josh was no more

"Phil! Phil where are you?" Dan had entered the room. Phil debated werther or not to tell his lover the good news. Come on Phil, Dan will be so happy he thought to himself. Phil quickly decided against telling Dan and exited the stall. "Dan!" he cried out. "Oh Phil you sh!t brain where were you?"Dan stopped quickly when he saw the blood and bruises that painted Phil's face. "What the hell happened?". Phil was stuck, he didn't know what to say... and so he told his unsuspecting boyfriend about the events of earlier that night. He stopped at the bit where he murdered Josh. "But where is that monster now?" Dan asked. "He left after abusing me in the bathroom, he probably wont return". Dan gave Phil a comforting hug and they left the school. On the way up the road Phil stopped Dan and gave him a passionate kiss. "What was that for honey?" Dan asked. "I just want you to know I love you no matter what" Phil declared ridden with guilt "let's never come back here again!". Dan answered Phil's question with a soft kiss on the lips. "Never again". And they walked off into the horizon and continued their life like normal.

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think in the comments :)

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