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"You're safe!" exclaims the Commander of the Rebel force. He rushes forward with a wide smile stretched across his face, pulling Leia into a tight hug. Clary watches awkwardly, shifting on her feet as she glances at Han. He's watching the man with narrowed eyes while the other Rebels surround them, smiling pleasantly at the princess.

"We had feared the worst," the Commander continues. He pulls away from Leia, clearing his throat as he straightens himself, standing a little taller, as if composing his actions. He then takes a step back, bowing formally. "When we heard about Alderaan, we were afraid you were there...lost along with your father."

Clary glances Leia's way. She feels a sharp pain of sympathy for the princess but Leia shows no sign of dismay. She holds her head high yet her eyes are sad as she nods back at the Commander.

"We don't have time for our sorrows, Commander. The battle station has surely tracked us here." She glances back at Han pointedly before continuing: "It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape." She gestured to R2-D2 who beeps pleasantly, riding towards the Princess. "You must use the information in this R2 unit to plan the attack. It is our only hope."

The Commander gives her another sharp, formal nod before glancing at the rest of the Rebel troops who disperse. R2 follows after the Commander to have his information read as Clary glances back at Han. His scowl is still prominent yet he stands as strong as ever, finally glancing back at Clary to meet her gaze.

"We're leaving, aren't we?" she asks. Han's brow doesn't stop creasing as his frown deepens.

"What? You want to stay?"

Clary hesitates. She doesn't understand why, but she glances back at Luke. He had been standing farther off, investigating the Rebel base. He meets Clary's gaze, however, as if knowing she is looking at him. His glittering blue eyes are the last thing Clary wants to look at as he gives her a small smile, sincere and kind. His gaze breaks away as Leia walks past, squeezing his hand reassuringly. Clary feels anger course through her veins and almost as quickly she feels guilt for feeling such a thing. She turns away.

Han seems to have been watching the whole situation. He watches Clary carefully—he knows her mind is racing. He tilts his head slightly as he asks again, "Do you want to stay?"

"Of course not." Clary's reply is quick and bitter as she stares past Han. She feels embarrassed for her anger. She loathes her immaturity. She wishes her mind would just stop thinking for once, but she knows that will never happen. She looks back at Han, who is still watching her with a concerned look. Clary forces a smile, reaching forward as she squeezes Han's hand tightly. "Let's get the money and get the hell out of here."

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