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Clary opens her eyes, but she doesn't recognize where she is. Blinking away the sleep, she squints. The area is foggy and dark — her first thought is the Dagobah system, but she feels uncertain.

Rising slowly to her feet, Clary glances around warily. She hears the voice again, short of a whisper, softly calling her name.

"Luke?" she asks slowly with hesitation. She begins to grow vulnerable, being by herself, and he's the first thing that comes to her mind. She needs him to be here with her, she needs to see his glittering blue eyes, she needs to be comforted.

Taking a breath, Clary dares to start walking. It's foggy, and she can barely see a damned thing; everything is so reminiscent of Dagobah, but something aches in her chest, making her feel vulnerable and uneasy.

And then she sees him. She rushes through the foliage, completely unaware of everything else, as she attempts to make her way towards the boy who's beginning to matter the most to her.

"Luke," she sighs with relief, barely inches away from him. He turns and his eyes are dark and glaring, startling Clary, and her smile soon fades at the look on his face.

There's a heavy silence that grows, making Clary feel more uneasy than ever. She finally looks at where she is, and she's reminded of the spot in Dagobah, the place that made her feel most vulnerable; Master Yoda had said that it was the Dark Side of Dagobah, to keep balance between the Light. Clary recalls how she had felt in that moment, afraid and weak. Her uneasiness almost seems to grow as she meets Luke's gaze again. The darkness in his eyes hasn't faltered.

"Luke?" Clary inhales sharply, reaching out to him, but he flinches away from her. Although he doesn't say a word, it's as if he's saying everything with the look in his eyes. Clary lowers her hand, confused and more vulnerable than ever.

The darkness glowering in Luke's eyes doesn't go away. Clary's never seen him look so cold and unforgiving. She doesn't know what to do. She stares helplessly, unable to figure out what's wrong.

And before she knows it, he begins to fade away. Eyes wide, Clary watches as the boy she's grown to love slowly disappears from him, and she starts forward, reaching out for him again.

"No, Luke!" The desperation in Clary's voice is evident as she attempts to grab him by the hand, but it falls through. He's transparent, disappearing with ease. Clary's heart begins to ache as she attempts to grab at him desperately. "Please, don't leave me."

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