Chapter 1

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It had been just over a year since the Cullen family last battled the Volturi. Renesmee was finally safe and life was peaceful once again. The tension that lay between the Quileute tribe and the Cullen coven was slowly ebbing away, as either side slowly began to trust one another.

Carlisle and Esme lay in each other's arms. The sheets were entangled around their limbs, their clothes tossed carelessly across the floor. Carlisle was absentmindedly tracing circles on his wife's arm as she lay with her head on his chest. Moments like these were special to them, alone time. They had started packing their suitcases for Carlisle's medical conference in New York. Alice had been helping them, until she had decided to give them some peace and quiet. They could hear the others moving around in the house now. Emmett and Jasper were playing a video game, Alice was humming to herself in her room as she stared at her vast wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear and Rosalie was reading something, no doubt a fashion magazine of some sort if the sound of the pages were anything to go by. Jacob was in the kitchen making himself some breakfast. Leah and Seth were walking up the steps of the veranda, greeting everyone as they walked into the house.

Carlisle kissed the top of her head. Esme moved her head and met his lips, sharing a passionate kiss. It held the promise of more to come. Carlisle smiled down at Esme and captured her lips with his, pulling her up in his arms until they were on eye level. Esme found herself lost in his eyes once again. Their hands interlocked and Carlisle pulled Esme on top of him, showering her with even more kisses. They smiled shyly at each other.

"Nessie will be here in five minutes, lovebirds!" hollered Alice from her bedroom. Carlisle and Esme groaned simultaneously. A chorus of laughter from different locations in the house was heard in response.

"You just had to wreck the moment, didn't you Alice?" called Carlisle, while Esme laughed, her shoulders shaking in mirth.

"You won't be seeing your granddaughter for almost three weeks, Carlisle."

"The conference is only a week, Alice," retorted Esme, joining in on the conversation.

"I have foreseen that you will stay longer than that, Esme, which is why both of your tickets are open-ended. Now stop arguing, get dressed and spend time with Nessie."

"What could possibly arise that we spend so long away from home?"

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out. Get cracking, she'll be here in three minutes, and your flight leaves this afternoon!"


"Bye Grandpa, bye Grandma! I'll miss you! Love you lots," cried Renesmee, giving her each of her grandparents a hug. Esme and Renesmee were especially close, and when they separated, Esme's eyes were shining with unshed tears. Renesmee clearly thought that the world was ending. This would be the first time she spent longer than a night away from her grandparents, and she was not too thrilled at the prospect. However she knew that her grandparents were looking forward to this trip, as was everyone else in the family, but for different reasons.

After Carlisle and Esme announced their plans to travel to New York for a medical conference, Alice had been pulled into a vision. When she came out of it, both she and Edward looked excited about something. After she had been put to bed and Carlisle and Esme sent off on a hunt, Alice told everyone else what she had seen. Their reactions were no different, although Jasper expressed some doubt but was quickly reassured by his siblings. The next day, Jacob had filled Renesmee in on the basics, and was instructed not to tell, or show, their secret to either of her grandparents.

"Now you be good Nessie, ok? I'll bring you something from New York."

"Ok Grandma!" Nessie ran back to where the rest of her family was standing. Bella smiled down at her and hugged her. Renesmee's beloved Uncle Emmett scooped her up in his arms and held her tight while Edward had one last word with them before they left.

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