Chapter 46

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"Amelia, it's okay sweetheart. Amelia? Amelia!" Carlisle's voice was growing more and more frantic. Amelia was struggling to breathe again. Esme had let her go, and now Carlisle knelt on the floor next to Amelia, attempting to figure out what was wrong.

"Carlisle, what's happening?"

"I'm not sure, Esme. Emmett?" he called. Amelia started yelling again, thrashing violently. Carlisle grasped her wrists, determined that his daughter would not hurt herself any more than she already had. Emmett poked his head around the door.

"Yes Dad?"

"Please help me carry Amelia back to ICU. I need to get hold of Richard."

Emmett picked his sister up off the floor, and held her wrists in his grip. "It's okay, little squirt," he soothed, "Emmy bear's here. I've got you, I've got you."

Amelia seemed to calm a little, before starting up again. Emmett walked briskly out of the bathroom and followed Carlisle down the many corridors that led back to the ICU, Esme alongside him, all the while listening to his little sister beg for her life to end. It chilled him to the very core.

They arrived at the ICU after what seemed like an eternity, in reality it was less than five minutes.

"You can put her down now, son," said Carlisle.

"Not like this," said Emmett, glancing at his little sister who was desperately trying to get out of his grasp, "she will hurt herself."

Dr Westsmythe and Alair walked into the room, armed with a kidney dish. A sedative, still in its ampoule, clinked against an empty ampoule of the same sedative. A syringe, full of a clear liquid, was also in the dish. Carlisle held Amelia's arm still and Dr Westsmythe emptied the entire contents of the syringe into Amelia's arm, before placing his thumb over the area and rubbing it slightly. Carlisle let go of her arm and Amelia's violent movements started weakening. Her crying quietened down. Her eyes rolled back and she fell still and silent, unresponsive.

"Now I will put her down," stated Emmett, moving to the bed and gently laying his sister down, before taking Esme by the hand and leading her out of the room so that they weren't in anybody's way.

Alair removed the dressing gown and slippers, neatly depositing them on the chair next to the bed. Carlisle briefly disconnected the IV line in her right hand, before slipping Amelia's pyjama top off and placing her hospital gown back on. Carlisle then placed an oxygen mask on Amelia's face. Alair lifted her head up gently and he pulled the elastic band over her head. He then reattached the IV line while Alair got Amelia's socks and pyjama pants off. She placed the items of clothing on the edge of the bed. Carlisle held Amelia's gown up while Alair reattached the electrodes that monitored Amelia's cardiac activity, and a few moments later, the electronic beeping sound of the cardiac monitor filled the silence. Dr Westsmythe injected the contents of the second vial into Amelia's IV line. They worked quickly and efficiently, a team. Carlisle came outside when they were done, carrying Amelia's pyjamas.

"Thank you, Emmett," said Carlisle.

"I have to go now, don't I?" he asked sadly.

"I'm afraid so, son," said Dr Westsmythe, coming out as well, "ICU rules."

"We'll see you later, Emmett," said Esme.

"Hang in there Mom," he whispered in her ear as he bent down to hug his mother. Esme nodded. Carlisle handed him Amelia's clothing. He knew that Esme would want to clean it later.

"Bye squirt," he whispered, touching his hand to the glass window, before leaving the ICU, doors sliding shut with a mechanical click in his wake. They could hear Emmett telling the others what had happened. The rest of the family had packed up and Kate and Tanya had taken Renesmee home, while Jasper and Bella went to hunt, Amelia's panicking had stretched them to their limits. Everyone else was standing outside the ICU, trying to listen in on the conversation.

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