2//Mason Hunter

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I had a restless sleep as usual. I'm not ready to go back to school, the attention is still going to be there, the stunned looks I'll get when I walk through the halls are going to kill me. And honestly, I'm going to struggle not lashing out and telling people to back off. 

How did I let this happen?

I hope Mason doesn't come to school today and if he does I hope he has forgotten the whole situation. I cant deal with it, I'm meant to lay low.

A few fun facts I found out yesterday is that Mason is in almost all of my classes but he left yesterday and never returned so I never witnessed his reaction.

I get ready in my normal school attire the wig already itching my head. The urge to wear a crop top and short shorts is strong, I wish I could dress like me and I could if Jake would just let me leave school. But apparently, that isn't what I should do. He threatened to pull me out of fighting if I left so, unfortunately, I'm stuck in the hell hole. 

I make my way downstairs and Jake is nowhere in sight meaning he's still asleep. He is lucky he's my brother and he's lucky I can fight because he doesn't have to work, we both live off the fight money and the money they left. But we use that money for things that we desperately need not fast cars and big houses.

I make myself a fruit smoothie for the road and head to my car. I hate being this perfect school student, if I could I would skip half my classes and be late to school every day, but instead, I'm 40 minutes early every day and I am present in every class all year round. I'm not going to lie, if I had a choice I probably still wouldn't have friends. 

Getting to school early gives me the opportunity to get everything I need before the halls fill up and get to class early so I can get a seat at the back without anyone taking it.

After lunch I make my way to the gym for PE just my luck, it's my favourite subject but I have to act like I'm the worst at everything and I hate it to bits. I have to act as though I'm allergic to physical activity. 

"Welcome class today we will be learning the art of self defence and wrestling." Mr John said. Of course we would be learning self-defence and wrestling , what the hell am I meant to do about this, everything else I've ever done has been a team thing so I was the girl that stood off to the side in volleyball and netball or soccer, but this, I can not back down, not from this. How was a stupid enough to forget this was in the senior curriculum. 

Thank goodness today Mr John was only talking about it, about the different techniques and telling us what we will be doing for the next while. When I got out of class I was panicking, I was so excited but at the same time scared what if I lose control and show what I can really do but I was so excited because for once I can do something that I love. maybe I can just act like I've had classes, I mean it isn't odd for teenage girls to have self-defence classes.

I've seen Mason around today just here and there he was in some of the classes but he made sure to stay well away from me, he was in PE as well but like always he stayed to the back. When Mr John announced what we will be doing in PE the look on Masons face changed I mean he has an excuse to fight someone and he won't get in trouble for it he's bound to be excited about that.

When the final bell of the day went I was racing for the exit, I needed to let off steam and fast.

however, I was stopped on my way to my car by a very angry looking Mason Hunter.

"Ahhh if it isn't miss know it all." God he's going to piss me off more. Can I just knock him out and get it over and done. I try to walk to the side thinking that knocking him out won't do me any good so I'll just ignore him and leave.

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