10//Fighting the Bad Boy

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Yesterday being Tuesday I had PE and it was the semi finals both Mason and I beat our opponents meaning we fight each other but of course Mason doesn't agree because he doesn't want to 'beat me up' his words. Well it's funny because no one beats me up so I think he just doesn't want his ass kicked in front of the whole class, but me being the genius I am, I came up with a plan. He just doesn't know what's coming his way this upcoming Thursday, but as for now let's focus on Wednesday aka today.

First class I'm late with Mason we just sit in his car talking about anything and everything.

"It's been half an hour we should go in now." Mason says sound like a good boy.

"Who's the goody two shoes now?" He sends a glare my way and I give in. "Fine." We make our way to class and I don't think I've seen the hallways this empty. When we walk into class the teacher sends us a death glare but in no time her face softens and she walks towards us.

"You must be new." She say to me. "You look so familiar. Did you used to come here, or do you have a sister that goes to the school?" She keeps rambling on leaving no room for me to reply.

"Miss?" I butt in on her rambling. "I'm not new, it's Blake." She looks at me and her eyes look like they are going to fall out.

"Blake as in Blake Smith?"

"Yes that's me."

"You mean my favourite student has turned into a supermodel over night?" Well she would of seen me yesterday but we didn't have photography. "Don't answer that. Now you two go take your seats, for the project you two are partners already but I'm changing what your photographing, you will take pictures of each other, action shots and posing." We took our seats and wrote down ideas, well I did but Mason was just playing around the whole time.

By the end of the day I was exhausted for some random reason. When I stepped in the door Jake told me who I would be fighting up against on Friday night and just my luck, Mason. Couldn't be a better timing, not!

Last week would have been a better time to fight up against him, he will no agree to this I have already had to came up with a plan tomorrow for I can fight and he won't pull out or make up excuses. This is just great. Minuets later I get a text from Mason.

Mason: don't even think about it.

Me: are you scared I'll beat you?

Mason: no I'm scared I'll hurt you.

Me: you won't be able to lay a hand on me.

Mason: don't underestimate me.

Me: the fight will happen Mason, I'll make sure of it, it's my life.

Mason: we will see.

I don't reply and I just lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I soon find myself thinking, maybe overthinking. I start thinking about my past, what would of happened? What if they were here? What if there was a different way? I continue thinking. I don't notice at first but soon my eyes start to water and the tears don't stop. It could have been different.

It seems I cry myself to sleep because the next time I open my eyes the sun is up and I'm late. I think about skipping school today but then I think about the plan I have to put into action and it requires some of my disguises. I grab everything I need and stuff it into my gym bag then get dressed and make my way to school.

By the time I get to school the first session is almost over so I make my way to the change rooms because I have PE second.

I take off my wig revealing my long blonde locks. I then add some makeup making me look so much different I almost don't recognise myself. I change into an over sized jumper and tight yoga pants. I then pull my hood over my head and pull my two braids to the front to show the blonde and so no one will expect it to be me. I quickly run into one of the showers so none of the girls will see me. I then wait till they are all out and make my way to the gym. For the door I hear the teacher say 'it doesn't look like Blake is here today so we are going to have to postpone the grand final.' That's when I walk in and walk up to the teacher.

"Sir I'll fill in for her." I say.

"Umm it's ok we can wait." He replies cautiously.

"Please she asked me to. She is a bit shy."

"I guess that won't be a problem then." He actually agreed, I thought it would be a lot harder than that.

"Everyone we have a replacement, may the fight go on." The teacher shouts and everyone starts cheering. Mason looks at me like I'm some random but walks up to the ring and takes his stance, I follow in suit.


We are off, I watch his foot movement, it's pretty controlled. He throws the first punch but I duck away from it. I notice that the punch made him a little unsteady so I take that as an opportunity and send a punch to his stomach. He recovers pretty quickly and he sends another punch my way, as I try to dodge it his fist collides with my arm and to be honest it stings a little but nothing to stop me.

I send a fake hook then come in with an upper cut getting a reaction from the crowd. This time it takes him a bit longer to recover so I punch him again and again. He catches one of my punches and sends be backwards but I keep balance, it's one of my strengths. I jump into a front hand spring and my foot connects with his side, I then get up quickly and swipe my foot under his ankles. He falls to the ground but jumps up immediately. 


Punch after punch I connect, then he blocks, I connect again but the next he blocks. He then starts sending punches my way although I duck away from them all. I'm nearly at the end of the mat from stepping away from all the punches and I have to think quick to save myself. I do a hand stand right in front of him and wrap my legs around his head and flip us. We are now both on the ground but I am sitting on him pinning him down. After 5 seconds the teacher claims me the winner and as I still have Mason pinned down, I whisper in his ear.

"I told you, no one beats me." I then stand up and leave telling the teacher I need a drink. As I make my way to the drink fountain I hear heavy step behind me.

"What was that!" Mason shouts at me.

"That was me beating your ass."

"I could of really hurt you Blake!" Ok he is serious far out.

"Does it really look like I'm hurt?" I'm getting angry now.

"What you did was stupid."

"No do you know what's stupid? You! I fight, I've always been a fighter! Please tell me who is at the top of the leader board at the rings, that's right me. I have motives Mason, never underestimate me." I turn around and leave. I'm glad the hallway was empty because I kind of let loose and started talking about the rings.

Instead of going to the drink fountain I continue walking and hop in my car and head home, I can't deal with any shit right now.


Short chapter I know sorry but I hope you like it. I don't know if this is a cliff hanger or not I just felt like it was a good idea to stop there.

What are your thoughts on the little argument? Comment thoughts.

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