Chapter Thirteen

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Naomi POV

" I also don't want you near me ever again, and this time I mean it,"
I said . I looked him in the eyes . He was looking at me as if I had shot him. But it wasn't long till it turned into cold hard rage. His eyes darkened , but this time they were almost black.
" What would you do if I didn't stay away from you huh," he said as if challenging me.
" If you don't stay the hell away from me I'll move with my brother and never come back to this town as long as you live here," I said venomously in his face.
He scoffed while shaking his head," Here I thought you actually might have liked me , but I guess I was wrong," he said.
I nodded," You sure the hell were." After I said that I turned around and walked out of the room making my way towards the stairs. I went to the door and reached for the knob. I opened it and stepped out slamming it hard. I went to the car and got in.
" Alright let's go," I said to Drew. He nodded and began driving to his house.

Kale POV

I watched her turn around and walk out of my room. I felt like I had been shot millions of times when she said everything to me. I couldn't believe half the shit that came out of her mouth. I can't believe that I hurt her the way I did. She may never admit it but she was just as hurt as I was. I looked across my room at my packed bag and went over to it. I started unpacking it as soon as I heard the door slam shut. I went over to my window expecting to see her walking or getting into Nina's car. But no what I saw instead made my heart drop. She was getting into Drew's car . This meant she was staying at his place. I was so angry at the sight of this that I punched a hole in my wall. Then my mind drifted back to when she said she didn't want me around her anymore. Well little does she know is that I'm not leaving town this time. If she wants to get rid of me she'll have to try a hell of a lot harder than that. I need to get my mind off of all this bullshit. Looks like I'm going to the club.


" So what happened in there ," Drew asked.
" I went into Kale's room to get my stuff and he was still there," I said.
" That's obviously not all of it considering the fact I heard yelling," he said .I sighed.
" We ended up arguing and I said some harsh things that I actually meant ," I said. Drew nodded and turned on the radio. I was to consumed in my thoughts to even listen to music . Then Drew turned it down . I gave him a questioning look.
" I think we should get everyone together and go to the club tonight," he suggested.
" That actually sounds fun, but how will we get in," I asked .
" I know the owner of the towns best club," he said with a smile.
" Alright I'll text everybody and tell them our plans ," I said. I'm so excited . I need to get everything that just happened off my mind for the night or I'll explode. I texted Nina and told her to meet me and Drew at his place so we can get ready for the club. I looked out the window and began to fall asleep. I was trying to keep my eyes open but Drew told to fall asleep and so I did.
I woke up slightly when the car stopped, but not enough to open my eyes. I heard Drew get out of the car . Then I felt my door open and my seatbelt unbuckle. I thought he was going to wake me up but instead he lifted me out of the car and carried me inside. He took me upstairs to a room, which I'm guessing is his, and laid me down on the bed. I heard him walk out of the room and out the front door. When he shut the door I woke up fully. I got up and went downstairs to see Drew coming inside with my bag and Nina. She smiled at me , and grabbed my bag. I sighed and turned back around to walk of the stairs. She started ahead of me and I heard Drew laughing. I hated getting ready for clubs and parties but it'll be worth it . I'm ready to have fun with my friends .

By time Nina was done with me I could finally look in the mirror. When I turned around I gasped at the sight in front of me. She had really out done herself this time. She made me change into this tight  black dress with a sweetheart neckline. It has a silver belt around the bodice. Then she paired it up with some silver pumps. For jewelry  she made me put on diamond studs and some silver bracelets. For my hair she curled it and put a fancy little bump at the edge of my hairline.I turned around and smiled at Nina and she came and gave me a hug. I didn't realize that she was already ready.
" Okay let's go , the boys are waiting for us downstairs," Nina said excitedly. I nodded and headed downstairs with Nina. The guys were all on the couch laughing . Mean and Nina looked at each other and took off our heals. We quietly snuck behind the boys . We looked at each other and and counted to three with our fingers. We screamed loud into the boys ears.
" AHHHHHHHHHH ," they all screamed at once. Me and Nina looked at each other and started laughing our asses off.
" Oh my god .the look on .your . faces . was priceless," I said in between laughs. The guys looked at me and Nina and smirked. We looked at each other and tried to run up stairs only to be thrown over  the guys shoulders . I was thrown over Drew's shoulder and Nina was thrown over Jake's shoulder. As we were walking past Ashton he started laughing. I reached out and smacked him upside the head. He glared at me then smirked. Before I could even try to figure out what he was thinking I felt a sharp sting on my butt.
" ASHTON," I yelled as we walked out the door. I heard him laughing behind me until Jake punched him in the arm.
" Ow, would you do that," he whined.
" Cause you deserved it," Jake said.  After that I lost it. We got to the car and Drew threw me into the passengers seat. When everyone was seated Drew started the car and we started making our way to the club.

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