Chapter Twenty Four

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Alright guys I'm giving a shout out to @-universal for making me laugh so hard I couldn't breath😂 Anyway guys enjoy the Chapter.

Kale got up off the ground and offered me a hand. I took it so I could get up. I felt the urge to poke his side so I did. I didn't think he would jump so high.
" Naomi. Run," he growled.
I didn't have to be told twice. I ran towards the cabin as fast as I could. Thankfully I got a good head start. I looked back to see Kale gaining on me and ran as fast as I could. I saw the boys and Nina come out of the cabin.
" Nina, get ready to block me from Kale," I yelled.
The boys and Nina looked at my current situation and just started laughing at me.
" Naomi, what did you do to him," Jake yelled with a smirk.
When I got to the group I stopped and went behind everyone to catch my breath.
" I poked his sides not knowing he was extremely ticklish," I said out of breath. I probably should've been paying attention to where Kale was but of course I was to busy trying to catch my breath to realize he was right behind me. But no, I didn't see him until he had me in his arms. I squealed in surprise as he carried me to the car.
" Hey, where are you guys going," Jake yelled.
" To rent some movies," I said.
" Dude that's not a good idea with our situation at the moment," Ashton said.
"Do we have any movies here," I asked.
" I brought some just in case," Jake said.
" Okay, we are having a movie night like right now," I said.
Everyone rushed inside to get situated. Me and Ashton were making the snacks while everyone was making a big pillow and blanket pallet on the living room floor.
" Naomi what should we make for snacks," Ashton asked.
" Hmmm let's see here. Definitely popcorn. We can get chips from the cabinet. Do we have any packaged cookies or candy," I asked.
" Uh duh. I never go anywhere without bringing candy and cookies. I brought mint and regular Oreos. Then for candy I brought chocolate, gummy worms, sour punch straws, starburst, and skittles. We also have ice cream," he said grinning like a five year old.
" Alright let's get everything ready," I said.
We made everyone a bowl of ice cream and then made two bowls of popcorn. We brought the candy and cookies too. We all got situated and began watching the movies.

We had just gotten done with our third movie. It was a comedy called The Night Before. It was pretty funny. I thought it was going to be really stupid but I was wrong. There were multiple parts where I couldn't breath because I was laughing so hard. I went to the kitchen to make more popcorn when I noticed it was storming really bad outside. I was going to go back into the living room but Kale came into the kitchen so I didn't have to.
" Hey I saw that it was storming," he said putting his arms around my waist.
" Yeah, this one looks really bad to," I said worriedly.
" You'll be alright. I promise," he said placing a kiss on my forehead.
I nodded and put the popcorn in the microwave. I gently leaned against Kale while we waited for it to cook. I looked out the window and realized the Lightning was getting really bad outside and the wind was picking up. A big clap of thunder came and rattled the house. It made the lights flicker causing me to tense up. Kale turned me around and laid my head on his chest.
" You'll be fine okay. Just breath," I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. I didn't realize the pops orb had been done for a few minutes so I got it out of the micro wave and put it into a bowl.
" You ready to go back into the living room," I asked Kale.
" Yeah, let's go," he said with a small smile.
He wrapped an arm around my waist while we walked.
" Good god it took you long enough to make the popcorn," Ashton said.
" Shut up," I said sticking my tongue out.
Ashton just smiled and took the popcorn from me.
I realized Drew was nowhere in the room.
" Hey guys, where's Drew," I asked.
" Oh he was dozing off so he went up stairs and went to sleep," Jake said.
" Oh okay," I said.
All of a sudden there was a huge flash and the sound of something hitting the cabin. It caused the power to go out and it didn't look like there was any damage done. I was clinging on to Kale so tightly I'm sure he couldn't breath.
" What the hell was that," Ashton said.
" A tree branch fell on the roof," a grumpy Jake said from the stairs.
" Okay Ashton, let's go outside and check it out. Jake you're coming too," Drew said.
" Whyyyyy," Jake said stomping his feet around like a child.
" Cause I said so," Drew said.
" Watch it. I've been in a great mood for a while now so don't go and make me pissy," Jake said.
They all got their shoes on and went outside. The storm had calmed down for the most part but there was more moving in. It was supposed to be worse than the last.
" Hey is there a basement here," I asked.
" Yeah it's pretty much just a hangout area with some couches and stuff why," Kale said.
" Cause the next part is supposed to be worse so why don't we all move down there for the night," I suggested.
" She has a good point Kale," Nina said.
" Alright Nina you get all the snacks and drinks we are gonna need and me and Naomi will get the blankets, pillows, and candles. Nina if you need a flashlight instead of using your phone there should be some in the hall closet," Kale said.
Nina walked into the hall and it sounded like she was grabbing multiple flash lights from all the noise she was making.
" Alright there were seven flashlights and a few packs of batteries, so I grabbed them all," Nina said with a smile.
I laughed at her and took one for me and one for Kale. She hurried off to the kitchen while I followed Kale to the basement. When we got back up the boys were back in the house collecting things for in the basement. Once everything was situated we just sat down and joked until we all fell asleep.

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