Chapter 12: Throwback pt. 1

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Guys there are three parts to this story that I'm publishing tonight. Thank me and the lord because I'm getting less homework 😂😂🙌


So it's been about a week since the end of winter break. (Which by the way, sucks.) And since that, we've decided to take a walk down memory lane and got take a mini trip or Ouran Academy.

I've been waiting for this day for awhile. Like, what has changed? Are there new hosts and hostesses? Are the clubs still running? Ooohhhhh the feeling gets me excited~

time skip*

We were in front of the Academy. It looked like it did back then... big. The years flashed by so quickly......... I only stayed here for a year what am I talking about? XD

Although, I wonder what did happen after we left. We know that Tamaki and Haruhi were dating... but what happened after the senpais graduated? Did Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi continue on the Host Club? I don't even know if the Hostess Club got scrapped or replaced by people.

"Oi," Hikaru said, surprising me.
"Wh-what?!" I screamed. I saw him sigh.
"What are you thinking about idiot?" he asked.
Jeez. Now that I think about it... Our relationship didn't really change after New Years...
"Earth to Hoshiko. aNY MINUTE NOW!" Hikaru screamed, making me fall backwards.
"Ugh! Hikaru just stop shouting so much!" I shouted.

"I have a great idea," remarked Kaivo as she came up to us with the others behind them, "how about you BOTH STOP SHOUTING!" she screamed as Kaoru rubbed her back to calm her down.

Are they actually dating? Well... Obviously if they are they'd be engaged... bUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT THEY'RE REALLY CUTE TOGETHER!

Hikaru gave me a small nudge, signaling for me to start walking since the rest have already started to walk towards the old high school.

First we went to stop by our Uncle's office, because I don't think anyone wants to deal with Tamaki's dad... yeahhhhhh... So Kaivo and I went and knocked on the door.

Suddenly it burst open, revealing my uncle.

"MY DEARS! yOU ARE HERE!" He boomed, "oH TAKE A WALK AROUND! hA HA! stAY ALL DAY FOR ALL I CARE! cHECK OUT THENEW CLUBS! hERE ARE SOME PASSES SO THEN THE TEACHERS DON'T SMACK YOU OR SOMETHING~~~," shouted out uncle as he threw 12 I.D cards at us that showed our names and our regular I.D stuff except it was now up to date with our age,
"KAY BAIII MY STARLINGSSSSS~~ " and then he slammed the door in our face and we all just stood there... Confused.

Then again, Uncle was always a spontaneous person. He almost acts like the Headmaster at Saotome.. What was his name again? Shi-Shining? I think...

Anyways! No time for dilly-dallying! I grabbed Hikaru's arm, I don't know why I chose Hikaru, and our I.Ds that were scattered with the others, and we went off our different ways.

time skip*

"So... Why'd you pick me?" Hikaru asked. We walked through the empty halls. They must still be having classes I thought. I looked back over at Hikaru, since he was still waiting for his answer.
"Oh. I guess you were just close to me or something." I mumbled. Although I didn't get a reply, we walked in a sort of comfortable silence. It was when I found myself outside that I decided to stop walking.

Where's Hikaru? I mean... He couldn't have been that far or anything... He was just with me I swear...

I started to panic. I don't remember my way around this place as I used to. Suddenly I heard a bell. Did we always have that bell? And kids in the school uniforms started coming out of the school. Great. Now how am I supposed to find Hikaru? I have a sigh as I tried to swim through the sea of children. I call them children even though they're only 1-3 years younger than me.

I kept walking around and found myself near the old Host Club room again. I felt relief fill within me as I saw Hikaru there. "HIKARU!" I shouted, as he turned around with wide eyes, but I could tell he felt relief too.
"Where have you been Hoshiko?" he asked, acting as if he was fine when I could clearly see the worry in his eyes.
"I was outside in the Rose maze." I said looking out the window, even though the Rose maze wasn't in view.

He rubbed his temples a bit, "Well...," he said as he suddenly held my hand and we intertwined our fingers, "I guess we'll just stick together like this." he said as he pulled me along to the cafeteria.

small time skip*

It wasn't as crowded as it used to be when I was 15, but I still remember that fight that the twins had. I have a small giggle as I reminisced back to when Hikaru and Kaoru dyed their hair blue and pink.
Hikaru looked over to me with a confused look, "Why're you laughing?" he asked scrunching his eyebrows together.
"Nothing," I said as a giggled again, "just thinking about that fight you and Kaoru had in here." he looked back at the cafeteria..., "Yeah.... I guess." he breathed out.

time skip*

It was now the end of the day! Which means...

The Host and Hostess Club is on...

You better love me for this.

I'm just kidding. But you should be thankful that my grandma watched a soap opera that had a wedding scene in it that reminded me of this book 😂🙏 praise the lord.
Instagram: Jumiemun
go and stalk me. I'll probably stalk you too 😂😂

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