chapter 4

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Sreesha POV:

"Pack some essentials, you're going to your parent's house" he said, righting his shirt cuffs casually like he didn't just drop a bomb on my head.

'I hope you're happy now, you nasty stupid good for nothing senseless brain. Why do you always has to be right?'

'Told you, not to get your hopes too high. He's is a man, what do you expect from him? Just because he said a few good words to warm your heart doesn't mean he is some ideal guy! Remember even Lord Rama asked Goddess Sita to prove her innocence. When god himself couldn't hold to his promise of protecting his wife forever, how do you expect your husband, who you just met a few weeks ago not to hurt you? Marriage is bound to hurt you one day or the other. It is just matter of time. Now stop whining and do as he says before he lash out at you' my oh so awesome brain chided at my heart.

Even though it exaggerated a bit, I couldn't help but agree with it. It does know a thing or two about marriage.

"Sree, what are you still doing here? Why are you looking so pale? Are you not feeling well?" He said touching my forehead to check my temperature.

'As if you care! ' my brain sneered at him.

'Shut up! ' my heart yelled at it, still recovering from the little ache he just caused.

"Did I said something wrong?" He asked, hurt flashed in his eyes. I stared at him confused.

As if sensing my confusing stare he added "you just yelled at me to shut up".

Omg! I did it again!

Would someone teach me how to talk in my head not at the person in front of me? This weird habit always drag me into some dangerous shit.

"I-I'm sorry" I mumbled.

"It's okay. But tell me what's wrong" he asked standing just a few inches away.

"I was just yelling at my brain" I mumbled and sighed.

He stilled at his place .

"B-Brain?" He stuttered, I nodded vigorously. "Why?" He added recovering from my fantastic answer.

"It always fight with my heart. And that stupid thing always has to be right, can you believe it? It always breaks my little heart saying harsh words to that poor thing. You know it even suggested me to elope with my teddy bear, to escape our marriage. I almost did as it said, if my poor little heart didn't suggest me to think about Tej " I said pouting.

Karthik glanced at me from tip to toe before bursting into fits of laughter clutching both the sides of his stomach.

You freaking Himalayas! what the heck are you waiting for? Melt down now! I don't care if you had to ruin a few states and countries in the process. I repeat, Melt now!

I've been staring at him all the time he laughed. His laugher was so infectious that I almost run to get antibacterial lotion.

"Stop laughing at me" I mumbled half-heartedly, I don't want him to stop.

'Now he will definitely book a super fancy place in mental asylum for you, Sreesha. You just told him one of the biggest secrets of your life. Now he will have a strong evidence to get rid of you legally'

'You started it! You are the reason for our stupid hopeless banters and you dare to blame Sreesha for that? Our poor Sreesha has to pay for the things you say. You heartless monster!'

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