chapter 8

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SAMUEL LAWSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"uh what? what?" I woke up next morning with a loud scream. No one had used my full name in ages. I sat up only to realise that Lizze had caught me sleeping in Aamara's bed. We were entwined and the scene probably did not look good. Shit!

Lizze, God you scared me", I said trying to lighten things up as if there was nothing wrong. Well technically there wasn't but I guess it did not look as innocent. Nopes it did not look good going by Lizze's expression. Her shriek got Aaron running into the room and he skidded to a halt at the foot of the bed. This commotion also woke Aamara up and she looked all confused not knowing why everyone was starring at her. The only person missing was Liam.

"What on earth is the meaning of this Mr. Lawson?" Shrieked Lizze. I sputtered as I tried to explain that Aamara fell asleep and I guess I fell asleep without realising but I did not want to leave her alone last night.

But there was no stopping Lizze. I have never seen her like this. Aaron tried to stop her but to no avail. She kept on ranting. Most of it I guess was true." You are a pedophile Mr. Lawson. All the years our family gave you love and this is how you repay us?? She was right about you I guess. You are a bastard and an asshole. We were stupid enough to trust you. Please get out and never darken our doorstep again. And if, Samuel, I ever see you contacting my children, I will kill you. You got that you ungrateful swine."

Aaron and Aamara both tried to stop her but she didn't.All I could do was stand there while she spoke. God I have trully been exactly how Lizze and She had described me. I did not deserve to darken their doorstep. I truly did not deserve this wonderful family. I bowed my head and simply stood there. But this did not satisfy Lizze. She lost it and slapped me hard across my face and said the most painful lines I ever heard.

" This is why Samuel Lawson you do not deserve a family. God was right when he took your wife and child away from you and your parents too. Your grandfather and you truly deserve one another but I think he is truly lucky that you have not been a part of his life for these 11 years. And we are as much as unlucky that we know you. I curse the day I let you in." GET OUT NOW you bastard."

Tears burned my eyes as I heard her say these words. Am I truly so bad that I deserve to live this life alone without family. I thought they were mine. I thought they loved me. I thought after living in hell all those years, I was given a chance to live in heaven. I hoped that they would accept Aamara and my relation and maybe one day make me a real part of their family. But I was so naive. I believed their charity to be love. I am and will always be an outsider to all... I can never have a family no matter how much I try. I guess I am truly cursed.

I bowed my head and walked right out of the house. Never once did I turn back to look at Aamara's striken face or at Aaron who was now yelling at Lizze or at Lizze herself. I simply walked ahead. Lonely and lost as I have always been. I sat in my truck and drove off to my house. Or whatever it was for now without aamara there, I couldn't even live there. I had lost the last of my havens.

I drove I don't know for how long when I realised that snow blocked my path. I parked my truck to a side and walked on. I did not stop or great any one. Tears in my eyes and pain in my heart was all I could acknowledge now as Lizze's words kept on booming in my ears.


AAmara's POV:

I sat there as I heard ma say all those horrible things to Sam. God I never thought a few hours with me would loose him the most precious thing, my family. Sam truly was alone in this world and he had always considered us to be his family. I thought we all did too until this morning that is. I had truly hoped last night that we could become a real family one day. My heart had sang when I heard dad call him son. Maybe, I had hoped, they would accept our relationship and one day I could give Sam the family he deserved. But he simply bowed and walked out. Never responding to dad and my pleas to stop. I sat there as my heart broke in a miilion pieces. How could I have been so selfish? How could I have not thought of the consequences.? But the best part or the irony of all this was that last night I just held Sam and slept like I did when I was a child and ill. It shouldn't have created such a scene. But God knows, now I have lost my one true love.


Aaron's POV:

I could not believe this was happening. I loved Sam and I trusted him. Lizzeis horrid words had broken not only the boys heart but mine too. I could see Aamaras breaking too. I yelled at Lizze to shut up and ran after Sam. But he did not hear me. Simply got into his truck and drove off.

In a single moment I lost my best friend and son to my wife's anger. Yes son, because I truly believed that he was my son. I loved him like one and he returned the feeling. All these years he was a true part of this family and I had always hoped that he would find a nice girl and settle down but he never did. He simply gave all his love to Liam and Aamara.

I never cried yet now, I could feel them trickle down my cheecks and I prayed that he did not do something rash in his anger. Just be safe son, I thought. I love you my boy and you truly deserve a family.


hei everyone... thank you for getting this story ranked as 961 in teen fiction. please keep on reading and voting so maybe it could move up in the list.

Well my quandary is that I have 2 ways of taking this story forward and I am a little confused so please help me. 

1) would you like to see this story leap a few years and then intro these people again as Sam takes Lizzes words to heart and moves away


2) should we continue and let Ammara fight for her love and Sam??

I cannot upload without your comments so please lemme know what you think

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