new life?

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Liam's POV 

I packed my bags with gifts from Sam and Aamara, my hidden little piggy bank that was actually quite rich and a few books and essentials. I would not stay here for one more minute. Mom was screaming downstairs, "Run Liam, where ever you want to, but remember, those bastards will not take you in. We are your family and not them." 

She was driving me insane. I ran downstairs and out without even looking their way, trying to block out their voices. 

As I drove towards Sam's house I could not help but go over what happenend today. Those scenes were burning my brain. I don't think I will ever forgive my parents for today,:

I clutched the wheel harder as I drove, this memory was painful:

I rested my chin on the counter top as I watched my mom make dinner. My dad was still working and I literally had nothing to do. Its always times like these when I think of my sister. I miss her, sometimes a little too much. I miss just sitting in the living by the fire place talking and just bugging each other until mom or dad told us to stop, well. Me anyways. I sighed and my mom looked at me.

"What wrong Liam?" I smirked. Purposely trying to bring up Amara. 

"Oh nothing. Just... Thinking about Amara." She rolled her eyes at me and went back to cutting vegetables. 

"Don't you miss her?" I asked softly

"Liam. Of course I do. Its just I can't forgive her for being with that man. She deserves better then him." At that I rolled my eyes. 

"Why can't you just let them be happy? She's in love and she wants to get married. What's so wrong about that?" I tried to argue

"Liam. I don't wanna talk about this anymore." was my mom's cold reply. How can you not miss your daughhter or be happy for her, I wondered. 

"Why not mom? Can't find a good enough reason?" Her mouth open and she looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"What did you just say to me?"  she yelled as I clenched my jaw and folded my arms.

"Nothing. I'm going to my room." With that I walked out of the kitchen and into my room shutting the door behind me. We had the conversations on a regular basis, and I always defended Amara. I was so happy for her and I wish my parents would be too. I mean they take Romeo and Juliet to a whole new level. 

"Nothing. I'm going to my room." With that I walked out of the kitchen and into my room shutting the door behind me. We had the conversations on a regular basis, and I always defended Amara. I was so happy for her and I wish my parents would be too. I mean they take Romeo and Juliet to a whole new level. I chuckled and shook my head at my own thought. My door opened and I turned around. For one second I wished it was Amara coming to yell at me about something. Anything. But it wasn't... It was just my dad. 


"Dinner's ready. Did you do your homework?" I nodded and then stood up to leave. but he stopped me. 

"Your mom told me what you said. And I think you should really lay off. Me and your mother are having a really toughftime with this and your making it worse for her." 

"Tough. Time? Really? How do you think I feel? She's my sister!"  I yelled

"What do you want us to do Liam?"  He yelled back

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