Lunch Time

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Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hey guys. :)

Okay, I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for taking so long to update!! If you are still with me, I thank you so very much!! <3

Thank you for voting, and thank you for those who have commented in the last chapter!! :D

This chapter is dedicated to lexusloveangels, because she has commented on every chapter! You rock, Girl!! :D

Okay, time to get back to the story!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Seven~

I stop right dead center in the middle of the hallway, and stare ahead at the piling of kids who are entering the cafeteria.

What is that supposed to mean?

No, no, no, no, no. He was supposed to leave me alone, not continue to pursue after me!

I turn around to look at him, and to tell him to leave me alone again, but when I turn around, he's gone, and he's been replaced with a few other teenagers.

This is not good whatsoever. All I want to do is stay invisible! I don't want to draw attention to myself, and I'm pretty sure that Jared kid is going to draw more attention than what I had in my last school.

I can't let that happen.

Someone bumps me from behind. "Freak." I turn, and see that one of the girls from my first class, giving me a look like I'm some kind of infection that she can't get rid of.

And I'm the freak?

I give her the same look, and she rolls her eyes at me and stalks off into the cafeteria.

I don't blame her though, because I know how she feels. That's exactly what I would do in my old school.

Suddenly, I realize that it's not only her that's giving me that look. Several other people are giving me that same look... All judging me.

My skin pricks up, and my stomach churns with the thought of being criticized.

Was this really what I was like before?

I shake my head. I was fine.. I didn't do anything wrong.


I didn't bring any money for lunch, and I didn't bring any lunch period, so I continue to head outside. By the end of the day, I know I'll be starving, but I really don't have a choice.

Today is actually really pretty. Only a few clouds out, and the sky is light blue. I walk over to one of the tables that are out here, and sit down.

Thankfully, there's maybe one or two other students out here besides me. The rest, are inside.

My mind runs over everything that has happened. I don't understand. It basically feels like I'm in a dream, and I'm just floating around.

I take out my phone, and text Heather.

"Please respond." I think to myself.

I regret everything that happened that night. Everything. I should've never listened to David, I should've listened to Heather, And I shouldn't have jumped.

Should've, Would've, Could've.,

"You look like you're in deep thought." A voice interrupts my depressing deliberations.

I close my eyes, and sigh through my nose.

Doesn't he have a life?

"Do we have to sit here?" A girls voice whines. "I don't know this girl." She pauses, and I hear her whisper; "Plus, she looks like she's asleep."

I open my eyes, and glare at the girl.

Whoever she is, she's very pretty. She has black hair, that is pulled up into a ponytail, and is traveling down to her mid-back. Her light yellow tank top is just a bit too small for her, but it's covered up with a sleeveless jean jacket. And, her jeans have a rips down the side of them.

They look like a perfect couple. Mr. and Mrs Weirdo.

Jared laughs nervously, places his tray down on the table, and sits down across from me. "Lyric, this is Brianna. Bri, this is Lyric."

My glare switches over to him.

"Hi, Lyric. I like your name.. It's unusual." Brianna says.

I just continue to glower at Jared, and he gives me a wary smile. "What?"

Like you don't know.

I stand up to get away from them, but Jared calls out my name, stopping me. "No, don't go!"

What is up with this kid?

I turn around, and shake my head.

"Why don't you like me?" He asks me quietly, cocking his head slightly to the side, his eyes wide and curious. "I mean, I haven't done anything to you."

I want to tell him so bad that I just want to be left alone, which makes tears prick my eyes, but when I don't say anything, Brianna places her hand on top of Jared's hand and tells him softly just to leave me alone.

For some reason, instead of that making me feel better, watching that scene makes my stomach drop.

Jared looks down at her hand on top of his and sighs. "Fine, fine. You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

Oh, thank God.

I start to walk away, but the farther I get, the more remorse I feel.

Why is he so interested in me? Why me? And why do I feel like this?

I turn around to look at them, and see them laughing and smiling at each other.

Being normal.

Being something that I'll never be.

It's a good thing I walked away.

I ended up just walking around the school thinking after that. That's basically all I'm able to do now, is think. What's going to happen when I run out of things to think about?

I smile at myself and shake my head. You know you're bored when you're thinking about what's going to happen when you run out of things to think.

Three more classes. That's all I have to get by until I can go home.

You can do it.

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