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No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission by Shelbsters15.

Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hey guys! Okay, you probably will notice that the beginning of this chapter was the ending of the last chapter... Well... I changed a few things. You might want to go back and read the last chapter before you read this one.

That way you're not confused.

I thought it looked better this way, and it also made the chapter longer.

I hope you're reading this, otherwise you're going to be very confused, ha ha. But, that's what you get whenever you don't read the authors notes. :P

Thanks for reading, and sorry for the change up!

Don't forget to comment and vote, and once again, I am sooo sorry for the change up!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Eleven.~

He's staring at me.

It's almost impossible for me to ignore.

Flames lick my cheeks as a blush crawls onto my skin.

One side of his lips pull up into a smile, as he tries not to smirk.

He knows. He knows that I have feelings for him, and he's not hiding it.

It's not fair.

I feel embarrassed that I like him, and I feel even more embarrassed that he knows. I don't even know why I like him.

"Just admit it." Jared says as he places his hand on my blushing cheek. "Admit you like me."

I open my mouth to respond, but before I'm able to say something-

My eyes jerk open, and the first thing that I see is the white ceiling of my bedroom.

What was that?

Did I just... Did I just dream that I liked Jared? It had to be that Pizza that I ate last night that caused that dream, because otherwise, I have no clue why I dreamed that.

I do not like him.

I stretch out my legs, yawn, and then look at my clock that's next to my bed.

5:55 AM The numbers read.

I narrow my eyes at the evil clock. Five minutes before my alarm is set to go off. I could've slept for five more minutes.

How rude.

I still can't get over that dream. I must be going nuts.

Look on the brighter side.. At least I didn't kiss him.

A smile places itself on my lips as I think about kissing Jared. He really isn't that bad looking. If I were actually normal, I weren't depressed, and a silent freak, I would've totally gone after him. But, I am all those things.

He can do so much more better.

I'm never going to get married.


Dared.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant