Chapter 13: Dealing with the devil

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Drawing closer, I inhaled the scent of my warmed-up meal. A simple smile played on my face at the delicious scent and the fact I was having this food. Not wasting a second more, I dug in with the silver spoon at hand.

"Hot! Hot!! Hot!!!" I exclaimed as soon as the first scoop went into my mouth and hurt my tongue. I wasn't about the spit it out so I just rolled it around and somehow managed to quickly swallow down.

I sigh escaped my lips after wards. I must've been so hungry that I forgot the possibility of hurting my tongue with the hot food. Pushing every other thought aside, I continued eating, this time, blowing at every scoop before it goes into my mouth.

"Who's there?"

I looked up to a sight of a middle-aged woman standing at the entrance into the kitchen, dressed in her night robe and her hair in a neat bun. For a moment, we just stared at each other.

Slowly, her brows narrowed, as if trying to understand or recall something.

"Mrs Norman." She stated but rather felt like a question as she took steps closer and my eyes followed all the way. A bright infectious smile played on her face and I couldn't help smiling as well even if I really had no idea who the woman was.

"Yes." I replied in the end and her excitement broadened as she clapped her hands.

"We've been expecting you. I truly apologize for not being present the moment you got here. I was busy in the kitchen and... I heard you fell asleep right away." She narrated and all I did was nod my head a bit awkwardly.

"Oh, forgive my manners, I'm Gloria Montez. I look after the mansion when no one's here." She explained with her hand stretched out to me for a warm handshake. There was a slight hesitation on my part but I accepted her handshake in the end.

"Caden. My name is Caden. You can call me that instead of Mrs Norman." I added before we let go of the handshake and she nodded in understanding.

For no reason, awkward silence followed and I returned to my food.

"You should've called for me and I would've had the table set for both you and Mr Norman."

Instantly, I shook my head, "It's okay." I muffled with food in my mouth. Seeing Blayze's face might just make me lose my appetite.

"But..." She suddenly went quiet and I'm forced to look her side. It was obvious from her facial expression that she had something else to say.

Mentally, I sighed.

"But?" I repeated.

"Mr Norman hasn't had anything to eat since he got back."

"That's alright. I'm sure he ate plenty at our wedding." I concluded right away and returned to my food refusing to give this thought any credit that it really deserves.

"Hmm... I doubt that. He's not one to eat in public. I mean he rarely eats home. He's probably starving, stuffing himself with work. That man is something else."

I let the spoon rest on the plate as I let out a silent sigh. I'm going to end up seeing his face tonight, aren't I?

Being the good person, I am, I calmly turned to her with a smile on my face, desperate to hide my irritation.

"What do you want me to take to him?" I questioned and slowly, another bright smile drew across her face.

* * *

Holding a tray of food in my hands, I watched as Gloria walked away, leaving me in front of my supposed husband's study room. I rolled my eyes away from her sight and unto the wooden door in front of me.

Another sigh left my lips, a resentful one. God, I really believed I wouldn't get to see his annoying face once again today. Nevertheless, I'm here so I best get this over with.

I placed a soft knock on the door and waited patiently for his voice on the other end but nothing came through. I repeated my action and yet, nothing. Not enough patience to spare anymore for the day, I took hold of the handle with one hand and gently pushed it to open.

I piped my head in first; the beauty of the room distracted me for a brief second as my eyes scanned through and eventually fell on Blayze seated behind his desk. I narrowed my eyes at him and that's when I realised his eyes were shut.

Has he fallen asleep?

I wondered as I carefully made my way into the room, shutting the door behind me. I left the tray on the center table and made my way towards him. He just sat there, arms folded and eyes shut. Silently, I waved a hand over his eyes to be sure if he was asleep. He made no move.

Is he dead?

A devious smirk came on and almost right away, I shook my head at that thought. No matter how much I hated him, he was still human and every human's life is important so... so don't be dead, Blayze.

Quietly, I left my hand beneath his nostrils and felt his warm breath. Something in me fell. He's alive after all.

My eyes went up to his face. Without having to look into his eyes neither listening to his annoying voice and insulting statements, I had to admit, he was generally a handsome man. I'd refused to admit to this fact but staring at his face up close, I succumb to admitting the truth.

Could things be different with Blayze if he was a different kind of man? Perhaps, little more caring, less threatening, smiling and humble.


I highly doubt it. He might not know this, everyone else might not know as well but I actually do have a description for the kind of man I needed in my life and Blayze barely made the cut.

His eyes flickered open and mine slowly widened on realization that he was awake. For a moment, we just stared into each other's eyes. His, unreadable as usual but mine, I'm very sure screams panic. I mean, there are a whole lot of reasons to panic.

First, my present position. Second, I utterly look guilty and third, what the hell is going on in his mind?

"What are you doing?" His question came out low and unhinged as he stared back at me.

In that moment, I was rather hesitant. I mean, I have no befitting answer to that question and I'm way too embarrassed to withdraw right away.

In the end, I did and headed straight to the center table where I left the food.

"Food." I stated right away as I turned back to him, trying my best to forget my embarrassment.

"Gloria asked me to get you your dinner and I accepted so..." I could barely make up a better excuse in words and so my sentence trailed away. All he did was stare. An annoying stare that made him seem rather more nonchalant about anything. God, how does he do that?

"I'll go now. Good night." I suddenly declared and began making my way towards the door. A few steps closer and suddenly, I drew to a stop and eventually turned to him.

"To clear things up." I started and his eyes were back on me.

"I wasn't in the position you found me because I felt too drawn to your looks and spent rather more time than I should staring at your face..."

Damn it!

"... I presumed you were dead so I drew closer to check. Good night Mr Norman." I blabbed quickly and in one swift turn, I was on my way out of the room faster than lightning.

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