Chapter 19: That unknown truth.

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An exhausting sigh eluded my lips before I looked her side. She had fallen fast asleep and I couldn't seem to do the same.

"What's your real reason for having made me your wife?"

Her question troubled my thoughts and I couldn't seem to shake it off. I hadn't given her a proper answer. I merely looked away, choosing silence over her peace of mind. I convinced myself the main reason was clearly for what it has been all this time but somehow... deep down, I didn't know any more if that was true.

She was right. I didn't care for any of the things she mentioned and yet, I went ahead with this marriage. It's no secret that her father's debt to me could have been resolved in another way possible and yet... I chose this. Why?

I turned away from her sight.


The alarm on my phone rang and I lazily turned it off before sitting up, yawning as I did. For a moment, I just sat on the bed, my eyes barely open and my body slumping back into sleep.

It's morning.

My subconscious reminded and for a second, I couldn't decipher why I was being reminded of that. Suddenly, it hit me and I flicked my eyes open. In what might seem the speed of lightning, I rushed off the bed, out of the room, down the long hall way and down the curvy staircases.

On sighting my target, I ran a little faster and only stopped when I was in his path, arms open, wide apart. For a brief moment, he had the look of surprise on his face.

Got you.

The expression was quick to disappear and he stood tall, handsomely and neatly dressed in a grey suit. Mentally, I shook my head to set those thoughts aside. Once my hands fell back to my side, I stretched out a hand to him.

"The keys. Hand them over to me." I requested but he barely gave the needed reaction. Fine. I'll spit it out.

"I need the keys to the building I work in. I know you bought the place from its old owner so hand them over." I demanded once more. He gave me a demeaning look from up to down and then took a look at his wristwatch.

"I don't have time for this." He stated and walked past me, I was quick to grab onto his arm, forcing him to look my side once more.

"I barely slept properly all night, reminding myself every second that I need to catch on to your early leaving schedule and finally, I did. Blayze, I'm not housewife material so don't force me into one. I love my job and I want to continue with it, therefore... please, hand it over." I elaborated a little better, my eyes pleading for him to give in for once but his rarely gave away neither his thoughts nor his emotions.

I felt his hand on mine that had taken hold of his arm. Finger by finger, he forced my hand to release the grip on his arm. He glared at me for a minute and turned away towards the door out of the mansion.

"Blayze! Blayze give it back!!" I called after him but he just left without glancing back at least once.

"Argh!" I screamed in frustration as I ruffled my hair. My blood boiled and my heart thumped in hatred. Each breath I took deeper and rapid by the second. Someday, I might just rip out his heart with my bare hands.

Still, I can't give up. Not yet. I have to find a way. There has to be a way for him to subdue for once.

In that single thought, I turned away, storming off to my room.


"The keys. Hand them over."

I recalled her exact words as well as the audacity that entailed within her eyes. A short breath of laughter left my lips as I stared out the window of my car while the driver drove ahead towards the office.

A memory of her grip on my arm flashed across my mind. "... please, hand it over."

"Silly woman. She keeps doing all the wrong things." I whispered to myself, hating the fact I was sparing someone like her a space in my thoughts.

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