Chapter 21

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I woke up and Jimin was gone.

I tried not to freak but I was a bit paranoid. He was probably in the bathroom to take a shower or something. He wouldn't leave without me right? Right?

But I got the feeling he wasn't coming back and his face was all I could see, he clouded up my mind and I couldn't breathe and my eyes shot open and-

I was actually awake this time.

Jimin was still in my arms, sleeping. Hoseok was still sleeping. Jimin was fine, he was still here.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I squinted my eyes and waited for my vision to focus on Hoseok's digital clock. It was only six in the morning, way too early to be up.

Somehow though, I must've woken Jimin up.

"Are you alright? Your hear is beating a mile a minute." Jimin asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, just a bad dream." I smile reassuringly even though he couldn't see it from the position we were in. "Go back to sleep." I'm mumbled and sighed, getting comfortable again.


Jimin was the first to fall asleep again, I soon after.

When we woke up again, it was because of Hoseok yelling from outside the room telling his mother what he wanted for breakfast.

If anything could wake me up from my slumber it was Hoseok's loud, obnoxious and annoying voice. I groaned and Jimin chuckled.

"You're the worst morning person in history."

"That's because I'm not a morning person, shhh." I tried to go back to sleep again.

"Yoongi, it's 10:30 in the morning, it's time to get up."

"You get up then, I'll sleep."

"Okay, then let go of me."

"No I was just kidding, you go back to sleep with me."

"But I'm not tired."

"That's too bad then, huh."


"Shh. Stop being so loud."

"I'm not even speaking that loud."

"You'll give me headaches."

"I need to pee, let go of me."

"Nice try, I remember you telling me you didn't have to use the bathroom as a ghost spirit thing."

"I want to take a shower."

"You can take one when we get home, stop moving." I try to hold him still.

"What if I want to take one now?"

"No. I won't allow it. Ugh. I'm not tired anymore. You see what you did?" I say, releasing my hold on him.

"Good. Now get up and fix yourself." I send a glare his way and get up and go to the bathroom. Being that I was at Hoseok's a lot, I had my own tooth brush for whenever I came over. Once I was done I went back in the room to see Jimin folding the blankets we used, now wearing his leather jacket again.

"C'mon let's go get breakfast." Jimin nodded and followed me down the stairs and into Hoseok's dining room where his mother was currently setting out plates for us. I sit down in a chair with a plate in front of it, Jimin sitting in the chair next to me. Hoseok sat across from me.

"Good morning Yoongi." She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. I probably looked like the walking dead.

"Morning Mrs. Jung."

"Your older sister is coming to visit soon Hoseok." Mrs. Jung mentioned as she continued setting out the utensils.

"Really? When?" He seemed excited.

"In a week or so, she said. She wants us to meet her boyfriend or something."

"Oh fun. I can't wait to terrify the guy-"

"Don't you dare, my daughter needs a good husband and I won't have you screwing it up."

"Yeah yeah." Hoseok's parents knew about his sexuality. They didn't necessarily agree with it but they supported him and never looked down on him for it.

Meanwhile I never even got the chance to tell my parents. Not like they would care anyways. I didn't want to disappoint them if they took it in the wrong way anyhow.

"How are your parents?" She asked me.

"Uh. Busy." I tried to smile.

"Ah, I see. Well you know you're welcome here whenever." Mrs. Jung knew about my situation.

"Thanks." I smiled. She disappeared into the kitchen and came back, serving us eggs, bacon, and toast. My mouth instantly watered as my hunger started to kick in. Before I start to eat, since I knew that if I hadn't done it then that there was no way I was going to share once I actually started eating, I give Jimin a piece of toast and bacon when neither Hoseok or his mom were looking.

When we were done with the eating and the small talk, I decide it was time to go home. I help Mrs. Jung collect the dishes, since Hoseok was a beast of a child, before running back up the stairs to get changed out of Hoseok's pajamas. I grab my phone, sliding it into my back pocket.

"Text me when you get home." Hoseok said, waving his phone in the air. "I'll be timing you and waiting."

"Yeah, right. Okay." I replied, knowing that I was most likely going to completely forget to do so.

Jimin and I walk back to my house slowly and in silence, a comfortable one though. I held onto his hand tightly, not wanting to let go when we finally made it back to my house.

My father's car was in the driveway and I wondered what he was doing home. When I open the door to my house, I bump right into my dad.

"Oh, hey dad, sorry." I look down at my feet before backing up and letting him pass me. He pats my shoulder and makes his way to his car. I sighed and enter my house, Jimin already inside.

"Is there something you're not telling me about your family?"


"Really?" Jimin frowned and grabbed my hand. I decided then that maybe I could let Jimin in.

"Actually. No. Not really. I guess I could tell you."

But at the last second I changed my mind. I didn't tell him about my sister's passing and how my parents were absent afterwards. Her death anniversary was coming up in a couple months in January. It as two week into October.

"Hey what day is it?" Jimin asked, trying to change the mood when things settled into a gloomy silence. We had made our way into my room during our conversation.

"It's the twelfth, why?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows.

"My birthday is tomorrow."


If I put nearly as much effort into my schoolwork as I put into these chapters I'd be a scholar

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