Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning feeling like absolute shit.

I just knew I was going to get sick from walking home soaking wet from the lake.

Ah shit, hopefully things would still go as planned for Jimin's birthday. Maybe I just had congestion and nothing too serious like a fever or something.

Jimin was still asleep next to me. I was awoken by my own coughing which was pretty violent and loud. I was surprised it hadn't woken Jimin up but I was also glad that it didn't.

I didn't want to worry him on his birthday so I put on my game face.

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. My stuffy nose irritated me to no end and it felt like I was suffocating in mucus when I was lying down, so I sat up. It was only nine in the morning. I shudder at the thought of me waking up even earlier for school.

I had to get up to use the bathroom but suddenly got really dizzy and tripped over my own two feet. Jimin abruptly sat up in my bed and squinted his eyes, adjusting to the morning light.

"Sorry for waking you, good morning Jimin~ Happy Birthday." I try to sound normal but I know I sound like squidward from spongebob.

"Thanks." He smiled and rubbed his eyes as I got up from the floor. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just feeling a little dizzy and congested." I groan and rub my head, brushing passed my forehead and feeling how warm it was, burning hot actually. "Fuck." I mutter. Maybe I could get some medicine from the kitchen and it would all go away.

"I'll be back." I do my daily morning routine before going downstairs and into the kitchen. I find some pills to take, similar to the ones my mom was looking for the other day, but these were prescribed to me. I drink two pills. Side effects included drowsiness.

I just hoped I wouldn't like, collapse on the floor and fall asleep. Which sounded like something I would do.

"I slowly trudge my way back up the stairs and into my bedroom. I sat next to Jimin on the bed and he started to observe me closely.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Stop worrying about me, it's your birthday~" I tried to be enthusiastic but ended the line with a sniffle.

Jimin reached his hand up to feel my forehead but I moved it out the way before he could touch it.

"Stay still." He rolled his eyes and reached for it again. I sighed and let him, knowing that I wasn't going to win. "You have a fever Yoongi!" He pouted.

"I know." I groaned.

"You have to stay in bed." He decided and got up and onto his feet, pushing me so that I was lying down.

"But your birthday party-" I whined and tried to get back up again.

"I don't care. Your health is more important. I do appreciate all your planning but, please just let me take care of you. It'll make me happy." Well when he made a face like that how could I deny him.

I was still upset that I wasn't able to do any of the things I planned to with him.

"Okay." I mutter, disappointed. I pull my blankets over me and close my eyes.

"Good. Did you take medicine already?" I nodded. "Are you hungry?" He asked.


"I'm gonna go get you some water."


Jimin returned a couple minutes later with a glass of water and a pout on his face.

"What?" I mumble, my head starting to hurt.

"I'm sorry. If you're feeling any better later, we can go make the cake as planned, okay?" Jimin smiled and handed me the water. I took a sip and placed it on my small night table drawer next to my bed. Jimin pulled my desk chair closer to my bed and sat by my side.

"Alright." I sighed and shut my eyes again, the light making my headache even worse.

"You're cute when you're sick." Jimin stated and I internally rolled my eyes.

"Nah, I'm hot. No literally my temperature is probably hotter than it is outside on the hottest day of summer. I feel like I'm dying of heat but I'm also cold and my body is so conflicted." Jimin laughs. "This is no laughing matter I feel disgusting."

"You're such a baby."

"Excuse you-"

"Stop talking. You probably have a headache right now, right? Your talking is only going to make it worse. Just go back to sleep and get some rest okay?"

"Yes mom." I groaned and tried to go to sleep.

"I am most definitely a male."

"I repeat, yes mom."


"Shhhhhhh, I'm trying to sleep."

"Yeah okay. Whatever."


kinda short but next chapter is Jimin's P.O.V

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