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   Once out of the mines. [Y/N] first notice the horizon, that fills with a tint of gold that is full of fire of flames. [Y/N] compared the tint of flame the sky gives to her inner determination. She could feel her brain pounding against her skull. Dropping Josh off of her shoulder, onto the floor was the easiest job to do. Josh twitch a bit,once he laid, [Y/N] didn't mind. She kept thinking it was a normal reaction of turning into a Wendigo.

Limping to the frozen bush that she found across of her. [Y/N] starts to pick what she thought that was good to eat. After devouring all the blue berries she could find, she felt her strength coming back to her. [Y/N] couldn't help it but give out a small moan of satisfaction.

Maybe that's what Hannah felt? And Josh? The tug of hunger devouring their inner mind. What she felt in the mines, Starvation, was indescribable. The plain thought of Hannah and Josh, breaking to the point to cannibalization, made [Y/N] 's whole body shaken.

   The exquisite taste of flesh lingered in Joshua's mouth. As he lay he could sense the other half of him flying away. Departing away from him like a plane soaring from its' starting point. When he bit into the flamethrower's head, he felt the last remaining sanity, which he held dearly, leave him. The only thing he felt after that was Hunger.

  Hunger was an odd word, it felt inhuman when he spoke the word against his now inhuman mouth. The only thing that felt right is [Y/N]. He could even smell her sweet scent where he lay. It made him feel suddenly whole again. Sure, he couldn't recall his past. But when he see [Y/N], his milky eyes dilate, and he see flashes of her smooth pink plump lips, her [E/C] eyes, the texture of her hair, how it breeze against the wind. Before his flashes finish, another flash enter....

"Off your meds again?" A sweet voice said against his ear. The voice repeats it's word, "Off your meds again?," it said with more roughness.

"You're not real.", He felt the tugging of his cheeks when he let out a growl, " You're just an allusion! Like the therapist told me! A thing that appears—" he clutch his hand together into a fist. Holding back his tears he rose his head up, "You're dead."

"I may be dead. But I live within you Josh. Same as Hannah. We'll always be here with you."

He turn to face his decreased sister, the first thing he notice was her pure white eyes. Her skin rotten like she been dead for months. "Stop!" he let out cry, clenching his hair with both of his hands, "I just didn't wanted to feel anymore! But...but I feel.." He stopped when Beth hushed him.

"Revenge?" she said with no emotion, "Avenge Us Josh."

"They aren't your friends Josh. Not Chris, Not Sam, Or [Y/N]," Hannah's voice rang behind him, "If they were, they wouldn't do that prank. They ruined you, they ruined us." Something within Josh snapped. They're right...his friends caused this. Just to make fun of his sister Hannah. They all are going to feel what his sister felt. Fear.

....the only person who he didn't want to be truly hurt was [Y/N].......

A/N: DAMNNN back at it again with an update. Sorry it took forever! School is a painnn!! I would like to note that I hope I am not offending anyone with my writing. This is my first time trying to detailed! Hopefully it's ok!! I am very self-conscious with my writing because I used to be in speech because of it 😅 and people used to make fun of my grammar. Reading made me overcome with my terrible grammar. BTW THANK U FOR 1K READS!!! LOVE U ALL!

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