The fight- chapter 14

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They throw me into a cell and the bars are made of iron. I can smell it and I stay away. There is no use to escape. I have no body to rescue me...

My sister hates me, my grandparents aren't going to come looking for me, and I never want to see Axel's face ever again.

I'm going to die. I look around and try to see if I recognize anyone. Nobody. I'm in a cell. I have to sit here, until someone rescues me.

***SKY'S POV***

Soon enough, I'm in my parents room, with two men inside and about eight of them outside my door. I'm in the room, sitting on the bed, looking out the window the entire time, even though my parents told me not to.

I am a little worried about my sister. I get off the window and watch a little T.V. When I suddenly hear a loud bang and wolves howling downstairs. Shit. They're here. I turn the T.V. Off and listen.

For some reason I feel excited... Excited??? I'm not supposed to feel excited! I feel... Like I have adrenaline. My heart is racing and I can't stop smiling. What the hell is going on?

Soon enough I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. One by one I hear each bodyguard out the door, get thrown into the walls. And then... That person reaches the door. My two bodyguards are useless at this point... And for some reason I'm not really that scared at all.

The person tries opening the door. And then, it flies open. He looks straight at me and my heart melts. God the way he looks at me. He grabs the body guards by the necks and basically throws them across the room, making them unconscious.

He has dark dirty blonde hair, big dark eyebrows and the sexiest jawline I've ever seen. Massive emerald eyes...
He's staring at me, breathing very heavily and he starts to smirk. What is going on?? I'm I going to die? Or am I being saved right now?

He starts walking towards me and stops when I say,
"Who are you?"
"Who are you?" He asks back
"I asked first ." I demand
"Ooh fiesty huh? I like you already. I'm Mathew. And you are?..."
"It's Sky."
"Its nice to meet you Sky,"
Every time he talks I sink lower and lower into the ground. And the way he says my name, lord help us all.
"Sorry but you're going to have to come with us."
"Wait what? Wait-don't touch me!"
He grabs my arm and drags me off the bed. I hold onto the sheets but of course, it's no use. With a yank, I'm being dragged out of the room. When we reach the hallway, he picks me up and carries me bridal style. I don't struggle because obviously, I wouldn't mess with a Lycan of his size, and plus, I don't mind being in his arms...

He walks down the stairs, where everyone is fighting, we walk past them like nothing, and make it out the back door. My father and the Alpha(looks obvi) are fighting. My father looks at me and there really isn't anything I can do. In just a moment, he's distracted looking at me, and the alpha takes him down.


In a matter of seconds, my mate jumps out of my arms, in front of her father blocking him from my father. He sees her and he snarls just like he does to everyone else right before attacking(ripping their throats out.) he jumps at her and in a swift moment, I'm over their pinning him to the ground. My wolf is raging but I'm trying real hard not to rip his head off, he's my dad, the alpha.

In a second he realizes what's going on and pushes me off him... He gives one last growl and backs off. I go and nudge my mate, when she hops onto my back. I know she wants to be with me. And in a swift moment, we're already running in the woods.

***SKY'S POV***

I'm starting to get a little worried now but I'm still feeling safe because I know he would protect me from anything. Damn, i really thought I was gonna get my head ripped off for a second there. I just hope my moms ok, I haven't seen her. We soon after about 15 minutes of really fast running, we reach a castle-looking place.

He slows down and the guards by the door drag me inside.
I'm so tired of being dragged around. With rage and anger I yank my arms out of their strong Lycan grip. I start running for my life and make it down a stone wall. Wow, I didn't know I could manage to get out of their grip... I don't hear their footsteps anymore so I slow down, trying to stay quiet.

I soon reach a hallway with cells. There are dirty, sleeping people in there. Oh lord help me... I walk around and look at the people. What are they doing with these poor souls? I look around and I see a girl. She looks like she had just arrived because she's not dirty at all. Her back is towards me so I go against the bars to get a closer look.

"Hey." I whisper
She slowly turns around and I realize it's my sister.
"Sky! Please, please get me out of here!"
"Shhh! Ok I'll try." I whisper
I try loosening the iron chains but they're just too heavy to loosen the knot. I hear someone start to walk down the hall. Shit.
"Hey you there! Get over here!" The man who dragged me before yells.

I mouth the words 'I'm so sorry' to my sister and run. I start to reach the end of the hall when i suddenly bump into someone. He smells good. I look up and it's him. Mathew. I'm actually sort of happy to see him.
"It's fine Luke I got her." He says
The man then stops running and bows. What the hell is going on?? I just want to go home. I mean, the alphas gonna die soon anyway. Because his mate died. Mathew walks me up the stairs and it starts to look more like someone's house now.

"Let my sister go." I demand
He scoffs,
"Luna making demands so soon?" He looks at me and smiles. Gosh he's irresistible. We reach a room and he sets me on. The bed.
"You can stay here until my father decides on what to do with you." He then leaves and locks the door from the outside. After I hear his footsteps leave I jump up. I run to the door and it's no use. I try kicking the door and I run to the windows. The locks on the windows are way to tight to open, like they've been super glued. There's no use in yelling because we're in the middle of the woods.

I sit on the floor and cry because I know the alpha will kill me, and I hate the fact that I can't do anything about it. My father killed his mate and kids. I know he'll get revenge on my father. At least I got to meet my real mate. I can't wait for Mathew to hear the story about Axel. He'll track his scent and rip his head off for breaking my heart. I can't wait to watch that happen. If I'm still alive at that point...


I pace back and forth, practicing on the speech I'm going to give to my father, to convince him not to kill my mate. A stupid speech isn't going to win over a decade of built up anger. Crap. I just need to prove to him, how much she means to me. I have to mark her.

I walk down the hall and unlock her door, stepping in. Her beautiful brown eyes shoot up at me.
"Hey." I say, I'm such a coward.
"Is your dad here yet?" She asks
"Is he going to kill me?" She asks with the most innocent voice.
"I won't let him." I say
She stares at my lips the whole time and i can't help it. I walk over to her and kiss her. Her lips are so soft. I will treasure these lips for the rest of my years. We Make out until I sink my fangs into her arm. She yells of pain but I just hold her.
"I'm sorry, it's going to be ok Sky."
Her skin turns pail and she passes out. Is this supposed to happen? I carry her bridal style and rush to the pack clinic. I lay her on the table and yell for the doctor. Nurse Jackie walks in.
"What's wrong Mat?"
"My mate, I, changed her.."
She looks at me expecting me to explain.
"I bit her." I say softly looking down
"Are you crazy Mat??! You're a Lycan!!"
"I'm sorry! I was just trying to prove my father how much she really means to me!"
"Mat. You're going to kill her. You do realize that right?"
"I don't know. Please don't say that."
Sweat drips down my back as she moves closer to Sky.
"Don't hurt her." I say with a defensive voice
"Oh please. Like I'm going to hurt her anymore than you did."
She says as she cocks an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and sigh. Jackie gently examines her wound with little tools.
"She's going to sleep for a while. Like a few days."
"That's ok. That's fine I'll just tell my dad to postpone any plans for her."
"Plans?.." She gasps
"She's alpha Josh's daughter isn't she?"
"Yeah.... But she's my mate. And when she wakes up, I'm. Going to mark her."
"Poor girl.."
"Well look at her! You put her in pain and to sleep then the next minute you put her through pain again."
"Please, Jackie, shut up." I can feel my eyes turn black.
"I'm sorry, Mathew."
"No it's fine, I'm sorry.." I say as I cool down
I can now smell my dad home. I then realize... Her sister.

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