Chapter 11

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Hilatu mikatu,” I muttered repeatedly, poising my hands over Beau’s palm. Inhaling deeply, I concentrated on the task at hand. I opened my eyes to look at Beau’s hand, groaning in disappointment. “Why can’t I get this right?”

I dropped my hands onto my thighs with a loud slap, throwing my head back in frustration.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Danny,” Beau encouraged. “Just try again.”

“You’re practically bleeding to death because of me,” I muttered pointedly, sighing when I saw Beau’s frightened face.

We were in the kitchen, practicing my healing abilities. Fourteen months of training and I still haven’t perfected my powers. Every time I tried, I would fail miserably while Beau’s wound would get worse with every attempt.

It would usually go like this: Beau would randomly train me. He’d take a knife and cut a small slash on his palm. Before it would heal due to his werewolf abilities, I’d start with what I was taught. I would recite the words, “hilatu mikatu” repeatedly with my eyes closed, trying to get in touch with nature. I don’t even know what language those two words were from, but I do know in English, it meant healing. When I’d open my eyes, Beau’s wound would be bigger, bleed more, or get deeper. Obviously, that was far from being healed.

That meant only one thing.

I failed.

And I kept failing.

“Just try again,” Beau urged again, looking at his bloody hand. “You’ll get it eventually.” 

“Are you sure? You just don’t want to stop now?” I asked, knitting my eyebrows in concern. He literally looked like he was in pain. Every time I’d ask him how it felt, he’d lie and say it didn’t feel like anything. However, I knew it was either stinging, burning, or aching.

“I’m fine. Let’s just continue,” Beau reassured, holding his bloody hand out to me. He wiped off blood with the third napkin he used today.

“Okay,” I said after a couple of seconds. I closed my eyes, poising my hand over his palm. Inhaling, I recited, “Hilatu mikatu. Hilatu mikatu. Hilatu mikatu. Hilatu mikatu. Hilatu mikatu …”

I opened my eyes and groaned once more. The wound was leaking out blood.

Hilatu mikatu,” I concentrated. “Hilatu mikatu, hilatu mikatu, hilatu mikatu…”

I felt like crying when once again, it didn’t work. Banging my head onto the table, I whined. “I’m such a useless Healer!”

“You are not,” Beau scolded, wiping blood off his hand. “Never say a Healer is useless, even if you are talking about yourself.”

“How come I always fail? You got it in a few weeks, so how come it’s taking me so long?” I complained, getting mad at myself for constantly failing.

“You just need to find yourself,” Beau said. “Maybe it isn’t your time yet. You need to get in touch with nature. You need to put down the wall that’s between the both of you.”

“What the hell? How do you do that?”

“I don’t know,” Beau screamed back, frightened by my anger. He looked funny with his brown eyes widening and his shoulders going up. “I never had to go through that! I’m sorry.”

“I feel so stupid! You keep teaching me and I never learn from my mistakes! I’m sorry, Beau,” I said, tugging at my long brown hair.

“Come on,” Beau sighed, putting his hand in front of me. “Let’s try this one more time.”

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