Chapter 20

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My hands trembled as I climbed out of my Land Rover. I’m sure the news had reached my mom, Darren, and Kelly, but I knew I still had to explain it to them myself. I also knew how they would react.

They weren’t going to like the news very much.

Weston noticed me stall. “Ells,” he said, grabbing my trembling hands. He kissed my palms. “You’ll do fine. Your family has always been understanding. Do you want me to come in with you?”

I shook my head. “I think I should do this on my own,” I said. “It’s a family issue.”

“Okay, if you need me, I’ll be in the car.”

I nodded, pecking his lips. Walking towards the double doors, I started spacing out. I was forgetting what exactly I was going to tell them.

We all knew how it felt to tell our families harsh news. Either it be a failing grade, a boy friend or girl friend you weren’t allowed to date, cracking your mother’s favorite glass bowl. In this case, I was practically telling them I might die and I wanted to see them before that happened.

I didn’t want Weston to come with me inside. Many things could go wrong. Darren would probably rip his head off for letting me fight in this fight. My mother would probably do the same. Weston would cause a riot in my house and that was something I shouldn’t have to worry about at a time like this.

“Hey guys, I’m here,” I yelled out when I finally opened the doors.

I heard footsteps running down the stairs hurriedly. I looked up and saw Kelly, her blonde hair bouncing as she ran down the stairs. She looked at me and pointed a finger.

“You are in trouble, missy,” She scolded, folding her arms across her chest. “Your brother is so not happy with you. Please tell me you refused to join this fight.”

I looked down at my feet, shaking my head slowly. “Oh dear lord,” Kelly gasped. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“I’m – “ I began, but an intimidating male voice interrupted me.

“Daniella Jean,” My older brother called out. I flinched at his unhappy tone. He stomped down the stairs and stood next to Kelly. He folded his arms across his chest. “Explain now.”

That’s what I liked about Darren. He always made me explain before he scolded me right away. He heard me out before deciding whether he should scold me, wave it off, or reassure me he wouldn’t tell our parents.

“There’s not much to say. I’m sure you heard about what is going to happen tomorrow,” I shrugged. “I’m going to stand with the packs.”

“No,” Darren finally said, making it seem like there was no room for discussion.

“Darren,” I sighed. “I have to do this. I’m doing this for you guys.”

“Danny, mom is injured badly because of me. If I allowed you to walk into danger, I will not forgive myself if you were harmed. I cannot afford to watch you suffer.”

“And I will not forgive myself if I didn’t try,” I snapped back. “Darren, whether you allow me to or not, I will stand there and I will do this for our family. There is no way you could change my mind.”

His shoulders slumped tiredly, before he sighed heavily. “You’re not going to,” He said through clenched teeth. His hands balled up into fists. “I’ll take your place, Danny! I don’t want you risking life. You’re so young.”

“You’re two years older than me!” I screamed at him, trying to reason with him. “Darren, you’ve fought for our family so many times. It’s my turn. You stay here and take care of mom.” I walked up to him and threw my arms around my brother’s shoulders. “I’ll be fine,” I whispered. “I promise. You guys are my motivation.”

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