Chapter 15

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I woke up that morning and Darren wasn't there.
I groaned and carefully got up, going to the bathroom and taking the bandages off before getting in the shower.
As I stood under the water I thought about all that had to be done today. Today my pack is coming over to train.
Zac said there's enough room in the old pack house for them to stay until all of this is over.
We now have 1 month left till the Hunters arrive.
Apparently while I was in the hospital they found a rogue who is half wolf half witch in the woods.
But she's Hunters second chance mate.
I haven't met her yet, but I will today. I already know this won't go down well with Brielle. She likes being in control. She is no longer in control of him or me and she won't like it.
I can hurt her without hurting him now and she will know it.
I turned the water off and wrapped my towel around me. I walked in my closet and picked out a pair of lime green sweat pants and a matching sports bra. I wrapped my side back up before putting on a tank top.
I walked into Addy's room and saw she was peacefully sleeping. I quietly walked over and kissed her forehead. I silently left and went downstairs.
When I got downstairs I smelled food. I walked in the kitchen and saw Darren standing in front of the stove. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his back.
"Hey Kaiya." He said. "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept fine."
"Good." He nodded. "The others will be here at 10. It's 9:30."
I nodded and sat down as He served mine and his food and sat down to eat.
When he finished he went upstairs to get ready as I washed our dishes and went back up to check on Addy again.
I got a lady from Zacs pack to watch her while I'm in training.

I opened her door and quietly packed her diaper bag. Once that was done. I picked her up and went downstairs where Darren was waiting.
We walked to the pack house and saw everyone was already waiting in the clearing. After dropping off Addy I walked back out and everyone looked at me.
"Thank you all for coming. I know there's a lot of us but we can make this work. My pack will be staying in the old pack but we will train together here every morning. I will not be training with you. Darren and I are going to be training while Darius and Hunter train all the boys. All the girls will be with Julianna and Melody." Everyone nodded and started splitting up.
I got Darren and we went farther into the woods.
"Right here." He stopped next to a pond. I nodded and we sat down.
"What first?" He asked.
"Do you think I can move water?" I asked. "She said I can move things without touching them. Do you think that'll work with water?"
You can always try." He said, nodding towards the pond.
I turned to the pond and stared at the water. I imagined it moving, glancing at Darren as he started yelling and throwing sticks behind me. The purpose of this was for me to learn to concentrate with all the commotion.
I looked at the water and blocked out everything going on around me.
I had the water up in the air when something hit my leg, making me lose my concentration.
"What the hell?!" I turned to Darren as the water splashed back into the pond. "What did you do that for?!"
"You need to be able to concentrate through everything because they're going to try to stop you." He said. "They'll do anything to get you."
He seemed sad when he said that so I decided not to argue and nodded, turning back to the water.
I blocked him out and started to lift the water. I felt something hit my leg but ignored it, lifting the water higher.
Soon enough I had it up again and kept my focus on the water as I moved it, putting it over Darren's head and dropping it before he had time to move.
He yelled and jumped back as it fell on him.
"Hey Kaiya." He said, smiling at me. "Come here. I want a hug."
I shook my head and got up, running away from him.
He followed and soon had me tackled, hovering over me as water dropped from his face and clothes. And then he collapsed.
"Darren!!" I shrieked, trying to push him off. "You're getting me all wet!"
"That's the point Princess." He laughed. I pushed him off and got up.
"Okay. Enough for today." I giggled, walking back to the others.

When I got there I saw them all still training.
Zac's pack still needed some work but they are doing really well. All the others don't actually need the extra training because they've been trained in Darren's pack their whole life, but we figured it'd do more good than bad in the long run.
I told them all that training was over and went to get Addy.
After I got home and changed out of my wet clothes I went to the pack house to find Darren.
When I got there I heard growling out back so I ran over.
There were two she-wolves circling each other and a pissed off Hunter surrounded by others. I broke through them and growled.
On my right was a brown wolf with a hole in her side and a scratch on her face. On my left was a blonde wolf with a wound on her nose.
"Stop" I growled, staring them down.
They both froze and whimpered as they realized I was here, bowing their heads on submission.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked.
They both shifted back and I had Brielle on my right and Melody on my left.
"Now tell me what the hell happened." I said.
"I was walking with Melody and then I kissed her. Brielle saw and stormed over here. She got pissed and hit Melody so they shifted and fought." Hunter explained.
I looked at the both of them and Brielle was glaring at Melody. Hunter noticed too and growled at her.
"Hunter." Brielle started. "It's either that pathetic she wolf or me. You have two mates an you need to choose."
Hunter slowly walked over until he was directly in front of her.
"Brielle." He said softly "I don't have two mates. I only have one and you know it."
"Really? You forgive me?" She asked hopefully.
He smiled at her and Melody was on the verge of tears.
Hunter backed up a little bit and chuckled.
"I only have one mate Brielle. You rejected me and claimed you're mate. Melody's mine." He turned and she ran into his arms.
Brielle looked so heartbroken I almost felt sorry. Key word being almost. After all she's put me through I can't exactly bring myself to be sorry for her.
"Fine. You can have that ugly, pathetic she wolf." Hunter growled and I walked up to Brielle.
"Don't ever disrespect my female beta again." I growled.
She stormed into the pack house and the rest of us went back to the guest grounds.

The Alpha's RejectOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora