Chapter 16

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2 Months Later

Kaiya's Dream State:
Before me stood the Moon Goddess.
I was called here when I fell asleep. It's been two months and we have been on high alert waiting for the hunters to arrive. Everyone is as ready as possible and mine and Darren's pack have moved into the old pack house.
It's hard keeping both packs on one territory but it's working.
As soon as this is over we'll go back home and everything will be fine again. Hopefully.
"My child" the Moon Goddess's words snapped me out of my thoughts. "I have brought you here to warn you. There is a traitor amongst you."
"Who?" I growled "I'll kill him."
"That's the problem, child" she spoke "you can't exactly kill you're first mate."
Zac. The one who rejected me, the one who put me through so much pain.
He's a traitor. I shouldn't be shocked but this is his packs life. He should care.
I looked up and the Moon Goddess was giving me a sympathetic look.
"You must go my child, you cannot let him know that you're aware of this. Use it to you're advantage, don't let you're hatred get in the way."
Everything started fading away till it was all dark.
I woke up covered on sweat. I picked up my phone and saw it was 2 in the morning.
I sat up and quietly got out of bed. I walked down stairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out the milk and chocolate syrup.
I sat at the counter and thought about everything. I hadn't realized I was crying until a tear hit the table.
Zac is a traitor. He's betraying us all. I can't do anything about it either. I feel so helpless and alone. I don't want to burden Darren with all of this so I continue to sit there and cry.
I put my head in my hands and let out a sob. My life is so messed up. I have an ex mate who is a traitor, I'm supposed to stop this war, people are going to die because of me. I was so distracted by my thoughts I didn't know someone had come in until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately recognized the sparks an leaned into his touch.
"Come here." Darren picked me up and put me on his lap "Tell me what's bothering you. I can feel the stress and sadness through the bond."
I looked up and he wiped my tears.
"Zac is a traitor" I whispered "the Moon Goddess called me to her and told me that he is. She said I can't do anything but use it to my advantage. I don't know what to do anymore."
"So why are you sad?" He asked "Is it because he's your real mate and he's betraying you?"
"No. Darren, I love you. He's not my mate, you are. That will never change. I just didn't want to burden you with these issues and people are going to die because of me." I whispered.
"Kaiya, I love you too. I love you so much. If I ever lost you I'd lose myself. I want you to come to me With these things, I want to help you."
I nodded my head and he held me close. I snuggled into his chest even more and calmed down. The last thing I remember thinking was how safe I felt before I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and Darren wasn't there. I got up and grabbed my clothes, walking to the bathroom to take a shower.
When I got out I looked at the time and saw it was past training time. Shit, I overslept and he let me.
I quickly threw on my pink sweat pants and the matching my sports bra, running downstairs.
I grabbed an apple on my way out and ran to the clearing. I finished my apple on the way there as threw it in the woods. By the time I got there I was out of breathe and saw that everyone was already there. I saw Darren and walked over.
"Darren." I said. "Why did you let me sleep so late?!"
"You were tired." He defended himself. "You had a long night. Don't worry. I dropped Addy off at the pack house and Julianna is taking care of the girls."
I totally forgot about Addy. Damn it.
I nodded and went to where the girls were.
When I walked through the trees I saw Julianna up front trying to talk. Key word being trying. Zacs pack was talking and ignoring her. I could see my pack were irritated so I went to Julianna and she smiled gratefully at me.
"Shut up!" I yelled, gaining everyone's attention. "Julianna was trying to talk so shut up. I don't think you guys understand that you could die. These hunters will have no mercy. They will kill you without hesitation. All you are to them are animals. So knock this stupid shit off."
Slowly the girls nodded and gathered in a circle
"Now, let's begin training."

After a few hours of training I went back to the house and took a shower while Darren went to get Addy.
I promised Julianna and Melody I'd go to the mall with them so Melody could get clothes and stuff.

After showering, I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a black shirt.
I slipped my black vans on and went downstairs, grabbing my keys.
"Julianna! Melody!" I called up the stairs.
"Coming!" They yelled back.
"I'll be in the car!"
I walked outside and started the car as I waited for them.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened my messages, opening the message that Darren just sent me. 
I'm taking you somewhere special tonight. Julianna knows where it is and what's going on so she can help you. See you at 6.
I smiled and put my phone away as Melody and Julianna came outside.
"Let's go!" Julianna yelled as the got in.

When we got there the I followed them into the stores they wanted to, not really needing to shop for anything.
Then I remembered Addy had knocked my curling iron in the toilet so I got a new one.

We had been here for 3 hours and I had forgotten about my date until Julianna reminded me.
"You need a dress." She said, pointing at me.
"Oh shit. I do." I mumbled.
They both laughed and took me into a store with dresses hung up everywhere and began grabbing dresses.
After about a half an hour I had tried on 23 dresses and it was 4:30. Julianna handed me a few more and pushed me into the changing stall.
I had tried them all on except one and so far I hated them all.
I put it on and walked out, showing the girls.
They both smiled and nodded.
It was just plain grey with a criss cross pattern on the back. It went about mid thigh and had quarter sleeves.
After we bought the dress and a matching pair of flights we decided to go back to the house.

Once I got home I went to the kitchen and got some cookies and went to my room.
I laid out the dress on my bed and sat in the desk chair.
I ate my cookies and sighed, getting up and going into the bathroom.
I only put on a little bit of makeup and then curled my hair.
After I had got dressed and was completely ready I looked at the time and it was 5:54.
I put my flats on and went downstairs.
Darren wasn't there, but Darius was.
He was in a suit with a silver tray in hand.
I cocked my head to the side and he smiled, putting the tray in front of me as he gestured towards the note that was on it.
Kaiya, I'm waiting outside somewhere. Jut follow the petals and notes and you will find me
He's sending me on a scavenger hunt. I've always hated these things.
I smiled at Darius and he bowed, making me giggle as I walked out front, seeing the rose petals leading into the woods.
I followed them for a few minutes and came across a note that was held by Julianna. She smiled brightly an handed it to me
Julianna's going to take you to a car and blindfold you. Just go with it.
I looked up and nodded at Julianna. She led me out of the woods to her bright pink car. Once I was in she put the blindfold on me and left.
"It'll be about a 2 hour drive." Julianna informed me. I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Hey. Wake up" Julianna shook me. "We're here"
I got out and she took the blindfold off, revealing another path of petals.
Julianna said goodbye as I followed the path.
I walked for a few minutes before it stopped.
I looked around and Addy popped out from behind a tree. She giggled and ran over to me.
"Hey baby." I bent down. "What are you doing here?"
"Daddy broughts me, I helpings." She giggled, clapping her hands. She reached into a little pocket on her jacket pulling out a note.
Close Your Eyes And Follow Addy.
I did as I was told, closing my eyes and letting Addy take my hand and pull somewhere.
When she let go of my hand I opened my eyes and gasped. There was a table with a red tablecloth and white napkins and plates.
In the middle of the table was a pizza box.
There was a tent with blankets and stuff in it to the right.
Darren stepped out from behind a tree in a tux.
"You look gorgeous." He said quietly.
I giggled and he pulled me into a hug.
"Wait. Where'd Addy go?" I asked, looking around.
"Julianna has her." He said.
I nodded and we sat down.
"You did all of this just for some pizza." I giggled.
"Anything to see you smile." He nodded.

When we were almost finished eating he kept staring at me. I cocked my head to the side and he smiled. I blushed and looked down at my plate. I looked up and Darren was in front of me on one knee.
"Kaiya, you came to me when I thought I'd never love anyone ever again. You proved me wrong. I can't even imagine you not being in my life. I couldn't of been happier that you ended up on my land. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you had to be mine. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"Yes!" I squealed and flung myself into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around, kissing me.
He carried me to the tent and that night we became fully mated.

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