Chapter 6.

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*1 Month Later*

Things are good between me & Ayaan. We were still on friends term. But I am happy with it. He allowed me to spend time with Hamza.

Hamza is really cute baby and he somehow attached to me. Despite my attempt to do the cooking myself Anne still insist to cook. So we settled on her making lunch for us and me cooking dinner.

Ayaan loves my cooking skills. The first time he tasted the food made by me he was stunned he thought Anne ordered the food from outside.

As for my family, my dad is still angry with me. I am in contact with my Mum and my brothers. I hope dad will accept my relation with Ayaan one day.

In shaa Allah

My thoughts were interrupted by my best friend.

"Assalamu alaikum." he greeted me and flashed me his billion dollar smile.

"Wallekum assalam. Is there something I am missing...???" I asked him with raised eyebrow. He let out a light laugh and kissed Hamza on his forehead who was sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Yeah today we have to attain a party. So be ready till 7 okay..???!" He said smiling.

"What about Hamza..??" I don't want to leave him.

"Don't worry Anne will be their to take care of him." after that he disappear into the bathroom.

*At party*

We reached here 40 minutes ago and God knows where Ayaan is. If I will say I am angry will be an understatement, I am pissed off.

He introduced me with everyone as his friend. How much I want to kill him. At home when I was ready he was showering me with the compliments. And now he is behaving like a stranger to me Great just Great.

"Excuse me..??" a deep manly voice brought me back to the reality.

"Yes..?" I asked politely with fake smile plastered on my lips.

"Hi, I am Zeeshan you can call me Zee." He introduced himself. To be honest he was looking like a choclate boy. He is just too cute. And not my type.

"Zara..!! You are here.?! I was searching for you all over the planet." Ayaan said sarcastically as he made his way towards me. What happened to him now..???.

"Oh hey Zee you met her already." he bro hugged that Zee guy and turned to me again. He was smiling but his smile didn't reached his eyes.

"By the way, Zara this is my best buddy Zee and this is Zara. You know the rest of the story." I looked at him but he was avoiding my gaze.

"Oh yeah sorry. By the way you are beautiful Zara." he took my hand in his and placed a kiss on my knuckles. I pulled my hand away from him in disgust. How much I want to rip his head off.

I saw Ayaan from corner of my eyes his hands were turned into fist like he was controlling his anger. A smile appeared on my face without my permission.

Someone is jealous. I smiled at the thought of him being jealous.

"Are you even listening to me...??" Zee waved his hand infront of me.

"Ummm..sorry I was just zoned out.. what were you saying..??" I asked him.

"Not a problem, I will be visiting at your place tomorrow." He declared smiling from ear to ear.

"Why..??" Annoyed, grumpy, angry and all the negative emotions bottled up in one person who spoke none other than Ayaan.

"Chill buddy I want to hangout and get to know my future wife." He winked at me and left me in confusion. I looked at Ayaan who grabbed my hand and dragged me out ignoring my protest and stares of the people in the hall way.

Allah knows whats wrong with him. The whole drive back home was silent. I tried to talk but he ignored me.

When we reached home I went into the house and decided to check on Hamza. I went into his room to take him with me but as soon as I entered I was pulled back out harshly.

It was none other than Ayaan. He pulled me with him out of the room and repeated the words I hated the most again "STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY SON...!!!" with that he walked away.

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