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Tobias' POV

The end of summer was near and all the memories came rushing back into my mind. You'd think laying in bed would help the sleep kick in, but you're trapped in your thoughts and the sleep that was once sneaking up on you, is now slipping away.

Here I was, laying on my blue blanket, eyes weighing heavy-- wondering how stupid I could've been. How stupid I was to trust someone for two years. Two years of my life, down the drain.

I tried, I tried so hard to just think about the good times me and her shared and how she always made me smile even if I was never in the mood. But every time I think about the good times, I start to think about how she was doing the same thing, to another guy.

It's weird how, because of one person you can go from your reckless old ways of partying, sleeping around, and smoking, to settling down for that one person. That's what she did to me. She magically made the reckless me go away.. Which oddly made me happy too.

But I guess I was so blinded by love, that I didn't even realize she slowly stopped loving me.

She loved me, I know she did. You can't devote two years of your life to someone and not love them... Hopefully not. Just that possibility and thought alone is making my stomach sink.

Tomorrow is the start of senior year and I can't even bare to see her face. I'm the 'tough one' in my school. I'm the one who would threaten anyone and everyone if any guy looked at her the wrong way.

But I know, seeing the guy she cheated on me with in the hallways is going to make my thoughts travel to a dangerous place.

Then I realized, that maybe all of this was meant to happen so I could realize how much of a scrum she secretly was. To lead someone on into thinking you loved them when really you were loving someone else, was low... It was lower than low.

I don't even remember the last time I actually cried that hard. It was one month into summer break when everything happened. I had just gotten home after finding out, and I didn't think I'd shed a tear because of how angry I was at everything I had just found out, but the moment I closed the door, all the tears came running down my face.

Just thinking about everything now, I could feel a tear slip away from the corner of my eye and fall down to my ear. My lungs felt trapped and suddenly I couldn't find a way to breath . My hands started to sting at the memory of her holding my hands, my toes started to feel numb just thinking of how she would have to get on the tips of her toes to kiss me.

I sat up on my bed and suddenly all the numbness went away and my lungs opened up, allowing me to breath normally again.

I wiped the small tears threatening to come out, with the ends of my sleeve. I had to get over it. It happened, it's over, I need to move on.

"Tobias! Dinners ready!" My mother shouted from downstairs.

My mother thinks tile this day, that I broke up with Michelle. She almost started to cry when I told her we were over. She kept telling me how she made me a better person and how she wanted me to fix it, assuming it was my fault it ended.

But that was one thing I actually could agree with my mother on, because I wasn't the best person before I met Michelle. Like I said, before I met her it was always partying, drinking, and smoking whenever I got the chance. But once I met her, it was like a switch went off.

I started thinking about my future... With her. Now when I look at my future, I see nothing. I see nothing but black.

"Hurry! Before it gets cold."

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