We're Not Friends

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Tobias' POV

I don't know what it was. But seeing him walk my way made me a little mad since it's obvious, us not being friends didn't go through his head earlier in the halls.

But as I watched him walk pasted me, it was a little disappointing. I don't know why I was disappointed since it's clear I was rude to him earlier. I turned my head slightly but not noticeably and saw him at the counter where all the sauces were. I looked back on my food and noticed Dylan's fries looked a little dry. I obviously wasn't going to eat them but he gladly gave them to me. For some reason, I found it as a good enough excuse to go over to the sauce table. Then I looked over at Cameron and Dylan and saw they were too busy talking to notice.

"Guy, I'm gonna go get ketchup for my fries, be right back."

"Dude, you hate ketchup on your fries. You made me buy you another order of fries once because they put ketchup on top."

As I looked at Dylan, I realized he was right, but for some reason I needed to go back and see how Ethan was doing. Maybe to say sorry for being a douche earlier or maybe I just wanted to try something new with my fries.

"Well, that was a while ago. My tastebuds change."

As I walked away I heard him mumbled "it was just last week" but I paid no mind and made my way to the back of the lunch room. At first I didn't look at him, I just grabbed some packets of ketchup. I waited for him to say something since the last time I was with him, he just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

But he said nothing.

So I stayed there, grabbing ketchup packets until he just left the counter completely.

I sighed and realized how stupid I looked. I had about a hundred ketchup packets in my hand and right as I was about to put it all back, I noticed the lunch lady giving me a death glare before telling me I couldn't put it back after I touched it.

So I walked back to the table and watched as Cameron and Dylan gave me the weirdest looks as I dumped all the ketchup packets on the table.

"New tastebuds huh?"

"Shut up." I huffed while they sat there laughing at me.


Once lunch ended, I went to my locker and grabbed my gym bag. I intentionally wanted to get all my credit so my senior year could be electives and gym. Grabbing my gym clothes, I made my way to the gym, only seconds away from being late

Walking in, I noticed some of my other friends Caleb, Luke, and Ronnie.

"Hey, How's the new and improved single?" Luke said. The group started laughing while I playfully shoved him. Like I said, the whole school knows about the breakup.

Luckily the conversation was cut short once Coach C called us all to go to the gym. Coach C's been here long before I even went here. Supposedly his last name is really hard to pronoun so they just go with C. I've never really cared to ask but he was areally chill and funny teacher.

I saw Ronnie approach me as I retied my shoe laces. "Hey, you coming to my party?"

I was going to tell him the same answer I told Cameron and Dylan until I realized I had nothing to do tonight but stay home and mop about seeing Michelle. And then I realized it was a new school year, my last school year and I didn't want to spend it moping around. So I looked up at him and smiled.

"And why the hell would I miss it?"

"That's the spirit!" He grabbed my hand and helped me up the bench before we left the locker room.

Once we made it up to the gym, all the guys basically drooled over all the girls. There was always that group of girls who wore the shorts shorts or the knee length ones. But it was always the yoga pants that caught the guys attention. You can practically see the booty under the thin fabric and not one boy was complaining.

But as I glanced at the group of boys watching, there was one not even looking at the side where all the girls were.


Once I noticed him, it's like his eyes could sense that mines were on his. He looked at me and suddenly he looked sad rather than bored. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before turning back and focusing my attention on the talking Coach C.

He decided we were just going to have free time to start off the day. We split the gym in three sections. One for basketball, one for soccer and one side for the people who didn't want to do anything aka, most of the girls. Then Mr. Lincoln, the other gym teacher went outside with the kids who wanted to play football on the field.

Me and the guys formed two teams, then played against each other in basketball. Even though it was my favorite sport, every time I would glance at the bleachers, Ethan would be there staring at the game happening.

I was already half way through the game and was slacking really hard. I kept feeling a pair of eyes on me and that sent a shiver down my spine every chance it could.

"Come on man, they're catching up." Luke said while patting my back.

"Yeah... I just..."

"Go get some water."

I nodded and walked out the gym. Instantly a gust of cool air hit me and I could finally breathe again. I walked into the nearest bathroom and leaned on the bathroom sink.

Today's been weirder than ever and it's only the first day.

I ran the water and splashed a bit on my face before getting some paper towels and wiping it away. I turned around and almost got a heart attack when I saw Ethan walk in right as I was walking out.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to use the restroom. That's kinda of the point of a restroom, so you could use it and release—"

"Okay! Just go release." I rubbed away the exhaustion from my eyes until I heard a quick laugh come from chatter box. I looked down and saw him look up at me with a smile still lingering on his lips. Then he started laughing again.

"What." I was not in the mood to stand there and watch some chatter box laugh at me.

"Did the ketchup packets get into your system?"

I widened my eyes once he said that. He noticed I stood there grabbing countless packs of ketchup yet he didn't say a word.

Surprisingly I felt a smile linger on my lips too, "And, why didn't you say anything? I mean you have no problem chatting away in homeroom. What was the difference then?"

In that moment his smile dropped and I had a feeling it was my fault.

It looked like he wanted to say something but he turned away and tried to walk past me and leave the restroom. Something came over me and I found myself grabbing his wrist and pulling him back.

He looked at me with shock until he pulled his arm back. I was confused myself on why I did it but I brushed it off anyway.

"You said we weren't friends, remember?"

Ethan.... My heart :(

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