Chapter 8

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Yoona's POV

"This my very first time getting detention. And it is all because of YOU!!If you've done the homeworks, I might not end up staying here,wasting my time with an idiot like YOU!
ARRGGGHHHHHH!!! My reputation just  ruined! This is all your fault! You know what?! YOU SHOULD JUST DIE WITH YOUR STUPID PARENTS A LONG TIME AGO! You're alive just making my life,everyone's life miserable, sick of your presence. You always cause troubles. JUST DIE YOU IDIOT BITCH!!!

He yells and slam his fist on the desk in frustration. I just sit there, remain silent. Does he have to get my parents into this case? I should die with them?Huh! I WISH!!

I'd really really hope that I can join them. You think I want to live in this hell and face you everyday? Every hours? Every minutes? Every precious seconds of my life?


I rest my head on the desk, with tears slowly flow on my cheeks. I shut my eyes tight. The words that he just spilled just now, succesfully make my heart shattered.

My whole body starting to ache. I'm exhausted because I only get chance to sleep for 2 hours.
Soon,I fall asleep. Not bothering Jungkook who is yelling, mad at me like he's insane.


School's finally over. I shove all of my books into my bag and pack my stuffs. The class dismissed as Miss In Ah exit the classroom. Finally,I can go to the cafe on time without getting detentions. I walk out of the classroom and head straightly to the hallway.

Out of blue, someone grabs my wrist harshly and drag me to somewhere. I was completely shock. Then,the person pushes me hard into,..I think it's a store room.
My back hit the wall hard.

Groans escape from my mouth.

"Well well well..look what we have here?!"

I look up and see, Jungkook and his members are towering me.. I could only think of one thing right now..

I'm dead.

Suddenly,Jungkook walks to me and pull my hair,hard.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" I scream.

"Let's get you some..emm. How about some wounds and bruises. Or maybe some scars. As a gift from us for getting me into DETENTION!!!"

He yells the 'DETENTION' word right on my face. Then, he lets go of my hair and start to punch me on my cheek. And continue with slaps, punches and repeatedly kicks.

Jungkook grabs my bag and turn it upside down, making the books fall on the floor. Then, he grabs the books and tear it, one by one. Pages by pages.


Jungkook takes out the handknife from his pocket. I lay on the cold floor soullessly with blood on my lips and wounds all over my face. I gasp a bit as I saw he takes out the handknife.

He opens it and the shiny blade sprang out.

"Hmm,let's add some cut. It'll make you 'prettier' you know? How's that sound?!" He caresses the blade while he slowly bend down to me.

"Jungkook,what are you doing? Let's go!! We don't have to do such thing like that!!" Jin says.

"NO HYUNG!!! She had done enough for me. Why don't we give her some 'gifts'?" Jungkook smirks. My whole body is shaking. He puts the blade near to my arm and...


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Blood splash over the floor, fresh from my arm. He gets up and laugh evilly.

"HUH!!Serve you right!!"

He then leave the room with his hyungs. Leaving me there covering my arm that full of blood. It's bleeding non-stop.
I really want to get up and go wash it but I no longer have energy to do that because of the kicks that they threw on my stomache and behind of my knees earlier. I cry hardly,due to the pain.

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