Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

"YAH!!! Why are you so clumsy! Don't you know how expensive is that?!! You always come late..and now? Break the glasses?!! I'm so done with you!! Don't make me past my limit and make you lost your job,KIM YOONA!!!"

I hear a voice screamed from the kitchen.

Kim Yoona?That idiot?!

Yoona's POV

I try my best to prevent the tears from falling on my cheek.

"S-sorry, Mr.Lee" I said while lower my head.

"Pick the glasses and throw it away!!Ergghh!!" He scoffs and turn away, back to his office. I bend down and pick the broken fragile pieces one by one.

"Aah!Tskk..." I groan as one of the pieces accidentally cut my finger. It starts to bleed. I finish collecting the pieces and throw them away. Then, I head to the sink and wash the cut.


Finally,my chief is over. It's 7.00 p.m. now. I closed the cafe and take my first step. Out of sudden, my head start to dizzy. I don't know why but.. it really hurts. It looks like the world is spinning around. My body feel so light and weak.

Not long after that,everything around me turns black. My body feel something cold.

I collapsed.


I open my eyes and blink couple of times. I realize that I'm laying on something comfy and soft. I look around me and.. I'm in a room where filled with posters on the wall, books arranged neatly on the table, trophies on the shelves and all the guy-ish stuffs.

Where am I?

I thought before slowly get up and sit straight. Then, I heard some crack voices. It's the door, being opened by someone. I can't see who was that clearly though because my vision is still blur.

"You're awake,huh?!" A voice speaks. I take a look at the door..



What is he doing here?Where actually am I? My thoughts messed up. What actually happened??

"You!! Where am I?! What've you done to me?!" I start to panick.

"Chill,man!! You fainted just now infront of the cafe and luckily I was there and I brought you here since I didn't know where's your house.

I-I fainted? My hand is terribly shaking now. I lift my palm and see, one of my finger wrapped with the bandage. When did I get this?

"Yo-you did this?" I show him my finger.

"No,my neighbour. Yes me...duhh!!" Noted that sarcasm. I nod my head and look on the floor. Not daring to make any eye contact with him.

The door once again cracked and swing opened by an old lady. I guess,that's one of his maid.

"Mr.Jeon, here you go. The porridge." She says and pass Jungkook the tray with a bowl of porridge on it.

"Ah,thank you so much." He replies and the maid nod. Then, she leaves us alone in the room.

"Yahh!! Here. Eat some!" He hands me the porridge with his poker face still on. I slowly take it and put it on my lap.

I stare at the porridge for a while before carefully take a spoon of it and shove it slowly into my mouth.

I close my eyes as tears start to drop on my cheeks.

"Yah,yah!! Why are you crying? It's just a porridge." Jungkook exclaims. I slightly look at him.

" just..."

"Just what?!" He cut me off.

"It's just..I haven't eat anything heavy since past 3 months."

Jungkook widen his eyes. "What?!!Then, h-how did you survive?"
He asks desperately.

" I just drink the water and eat some biscuits."

His face still showed unbelievable expression.

"You don't have food at your house?You worked,right? Your boss didn't give any salary?!" He bombards me with multiple questions.

I heave a sigh.

"Indeed, I work but... I always come late because of the detentions I got, my boss keep cutting my salary make it lesser than ever. So, I'm saving to pay the school's fee,buy the workbooks and buy the....*sigh*... buy the new textbooks. So, I didn't have some to keep to buy the meals that kinda expensive..I don't know."

I finally look up to have the good view of his face. I see something through his eyes.


Maybe he remembered that he's the one who teared my books the other day.

I snap and put the bowl on the bedside table. I quickly stand up and find my bag.

" Where are you going?" He finally speak.

"I'm going home. Thanks for helping me earlier and for the porridge. I'd really appreciate it."
I slightly bow to him and ready to walk out from the room.

"You're not going anywhere. It's already late and it's dangerous for you to walk alone. Just stay here."
He says. I look at him blankly.

"No, no.It's okay.. I'm getting used to it for walking alone at night. I don't want to burden you."

" You already burdened me. Just stay here. My parents aren't home, they're abroad. No more objection!"

He exclaims. I finally give in and sigh.

"I'll be sleeping in the living room."

"WAIT!!" My steps stopped and turn around to look at him.

"You don't want to change? Your uniform I mean.." He points to my uniform. I just shake my head and and assure him that it's fine.

"Wait here.!" He gets up and walk to his wardrobe and look for something.

Then, he walks back towards me and hand me an oversized shirt and a short. "Change into this. You must be uncomfortable with that uniform that you had wear all day long."

I take the clothes and went into his bedroom and get changed.

Minutes later, I finally come out and see Jungkook is laying on his bed, playing with his phone. Then, he turns to me and get up.

"Sit!" He demands and point to the edge of the king-sized bed. I obey and do what he told me to. He kneels infront of me with a red kit next to him. He opens the kit and took out the ointment, applying it on the cotton bud.


He asks and I pull out my arm. Exposing the wounds. He slowly apply the ointment on the wounds slowly. I look at him.

Why is he doing this?Why did he care about me? Why?

Questions were playing in my mind.


I groan. He looks at me and our eyes met.

"Sorry." He mumbles. Then continue applying it. Followed by my stomache, my legs and face.

After he done treat the wounds,he keeps the aid kit back to its place.

"Th-thanks." I mumbled. He just nod in response. I get up and head downstairs to the living room and lay on the couch and off to my dreamland.

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