Chapter 3: Art Teacher?

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I pulled into the parking lot of the elementary school. It was pretty full considering class was most likely in session this Monday morning. Sliding the keys out of the ignition, I got out of the car and locked it before continuing up the stairs. The building looked older, like it had been built around the time of Old Creek's first renovation. God knows how long that was.

I walked entered the doors and walked towards the administration office to the left of me. As I slid through the open doors, I was immediately greeted by the woman at the front desk.

"Well hey there! What can I do for ya?" She asked, dropping everything she was doing as she focused her attention on me. I wasn't used to this. Any of this. No one was this nice in LA, no one had anyone on their minds beside themselves and their agendas.

"U-um, I actually just moved here yesterday and I stopped by the hardware store, Pete's Hardware, and Pete directed me here for a job?" I spoke unsure of myself suddenly. Truth be told, I never actually had to apply or ask for a job before. Jake chose that for me. Jake chose everything for me.

"Why, yes! We actually have a couple positions available! Do you by chance have a degree in English or History?" She asked, pulling out some papers from her filing cabinet.

"I actually don't." I replied, my hopes starting to drop.

"Okay Hun, it's alright. Our Art teacher did recently just take leave, and I can't promise this to be a permanent position, but have you dabbled in some art before?" She asked, sliding out a new folder.

"That, I have!" I replied gratefully, silently thanking whatever gods may be at work here.

"Wonderful! How soon could you get started?" The women asked, grabbing a pen from her utensil jar and scribbling down some more things into the folder.

"Hell, I could clock in right now." I replied honestly, grinning back at her.

"I like you." She nodded, her smile remaining. "What's your name?"

"Oh! Right, Aria Lane."

"Alright Aria, if you'd come with me, I'd like to show you were you'll be working!" She stood up from her desk and walked around. As she approached me, I noticed just how tall and beautiful she actually was. She was around 5'8 with long dark curly hair falling past her shoulders to mid back length. She looked no older than 28.

"I never caught your name?" I asked as I follow we'd her out of the admin office and down the hallway.

"Names Sarah." She replied, turning her head a bit over her shoulder to offer me a killer smile. We entered another branch of the building before arriving at a door. She slid her key into the lock and pushed it open as we came face to face with a large classroom. There was canvases all against the walls with a couple easels. Cubbies were stationed by the back window. I walked over to the desk near the front of the classroom and sat down, getting a feel for the environment.

"So, for today, you can just arrange things the way you feel most comfortable. Classes will start tomorrow morning so don't be late. Remember, we are teaching elementary kids, so regardless of how strongly you may want to ring this little shits necks, we are still prone to getting sued." Sarah instructor, coaxing a grin out from me. I wouldn't mind grabbing wine with this girl.

"Oh! And later today, hunkyMchunkness will be dropping by to pick up his boy and more than likely stop by to meet you."

"Uh... Who?" I asked, rolling the sleeves of my sweater up a bit as I got to work.

"That's what every female teacher here calls him. His son goes here. He's basically a Greek God in a 38 year old mans body," Sarah explained, "every living breathing human with a vagina has made a move on him but he's politely shut everyone of us down."

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