Chapter 12: Project

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"But we need it, Aria."

"Chris, you're not bring that devil worshipping shit into my home."

"I promise I'll clean everything up afterwards."

"One does not simply just clean up all glitter." I hissed, taking the glitter jar back out of our shopping basket.

"Our signs have to stand out, Aria." Chris argued, putting the jar back in the basket.

"It's like you want to die or something." I shot back, taking the jar back out again. Before I could slam it down on the shelf, Chris's hand grabbed the other end of the jar and thus ensued a tug of war fight over a jar of glitter.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Pete asked, walking towards the isle we were in. "It's like I'm witnessing children here."

"Chris wants to use glitter on the fall festival signs! Glitter is an abomination." I explained, pulling the jar further towards me.

"But glitter will be the thing that draws in the largest crowd to the festival!" Chris argued, as he pulled the glitter back towards him. Pete grabbed the top of the glitter jar.

"Drop it." He hissed. I glanced up at Chris, then slowly, both his and I's hand let go. We slowly glanced around to see a few people had been watching our little argument. "Now," Pete started, plastering a fake sinister smile on his lips that sent chills down my spine, "can I recommend you two hooligans the glitter spray instead? Same amount of shine, no loose glitter."

I turned to Chris, silently asking if we could meet halfway on this. He nodded, glancing back at his father. "We'll take it."

Pete walked us through some isles before coming to the spray paint section were he handed us a few silver glitter spray paint bottles. I glanced at our basket and nodded slightly to myself. "I think we're ready." We then made our way to the front of the counter where he rung us up. While he was scanning the paint, he beckoned us to come closer. As we leant in, he dropped his voice to a threatening tone.

"Any of you try to mess around in my store, I will personally haunt your ass after I leave this earth. Now get out." We nodded aggressively, grabbing our shopping bags before quickly exiting the store.

As soon as we were out of hearing, we burst out laughing. "Oh my god." I whispered grabbing my side as I tried to get the bags into Chris's car while controlling my laughter.

"I guess we now know to never come between my father and his customers." He replied, running his hands messily through his hair as we slid into his car.

"Alright, my good man, it's go time." I spoke, as we pulled away from the side of the street, towards my home.


"We should put this leaf here."





"Who's the art teacher here?" I demanded, looking at the red-orange-yellow leaf sequence we were following. How dare he decide to just throw a green leaf in there? It wouldn't fit.

"Yes, but, shouldn't we add some neutral tones in there?" He argued.

"And what exactly do you know about neutral tones?" I shot back, glueing another yellow leaf onto our signs.

"Enough." He pouted, applying glue onto the back of the green leaf before holding it up to the sign.

"Do it, and I'll kill you." I threatened, holding the glue bottle up as my choice of weapon. He cracked a smile as his hand got closer to the sign. My arm shot forward, holding his hand back as I tried to stop it from making contact with the sign board. "No!" I yelled dramatically. Strugglign, I leaned into his lap as I pushed him even further away from the board. He suddenly let go of resistance and I fell back onto his stomach with the momentum of my weight.

"Hmrgh." He groaned, as my elbow slid back and jabbed into his side.

"I'd say sorry, but you brought that upon yourself." I shot back, as I tried to pull myself up. His hand wound around my waist and he pulled me back into his chest.

"You're warm." He spoke suddenly, holding me tight against him. My cheeks heated up feverishly as I squirmed to get out of his grasp. My body was on fire from his touch.

"W-w-what are you doing?" I asked, as my head was pulled back into his chest. Don't think of his intoxicating scent, Aria. Don't think of his lean muscles... And firm chest... And God his scent... It was like a mix spice and woodlands-

"Hmm?" I asked, unsure of what he just said as I pulled myself out of my thoughts.

"I said I'm tired. You called me over at 8 this morning to go shopping for 2 hours then we've been working on this project for like the last 4 hours. Let's just rest a bit." He whined, as his hands slowly eased up on the lock he had. I silently agreed, flipping my body so I was laying perpendicular to him with my head on his chest. It slowly rose and fell as he inhaled then exhaled. "Can I ask you something Aria?" He spoke after some time.

"Go for it." I replied.

"Did you always want to be an art teacher?" He asked, as his hands went up to play with my hair. I thought for a moment, unsure on how to answer that question. After a pause, I replied.

"No. It just kind of happened I guess."

"Hmm." He replied, as his breathing slowed.

"Why is it, we have the most personal conversations when we are lying on my floorboards." I asked after sometime. He chuckled slightly, as his body vibrated.

"You tell me."

That was the last words that was spoken before we drifted to sleep.

The Artist's Amour (BWWM) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz