Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen
~Liam's POV~

Waking up to Michael was way better than waking up to Jayden screaming on Christmas morning. Feeling light pecks against my lips until I started to open my eyes. Michael was staring at me with his green eyes sparkling. He was squished against my chest, tilting his head up. He smiled when my eyes met his.



"Merry Christmas." Michael smiled and pecked my lips again.

I smiled, "Merry Christmas." We laid in bed for a while, or until Jayden came bursting through my door screaming. He jumped on the bed with us and immediately took over the situation and started to question Michael about how many presents he was getting. I laughed and watched Michael as he cleverly worked around all of Jayden's questions.

Eventually,Michael suggested that we go make breakfast and Jayden ran downstairs. The whole time we were getting up out of bed and washing up, I just felt this calmness that I didn't think could feel this good. Like, as long as Michael was here everything was good. Great even. And as I wrapped my arms around his waist while he was brushing his teeth I mumbled out an, "I love you" into his hair. He rest further into my embrace and I kissed the nape of his neck.

When Michael was finished, he turned around and looked up at me. "You've said that so many times. I barely remember when you first said it."He said softly. I looked down at him trying to figure out what he meant by that.

"It was when you first moved in and I was helping you unpack. We were too tired to do anything else so we just laid there on the floor of your living room. And I was lazily kissing you because I love kissing you.And I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the fact that we were moving into your house like it was ours. Maybe it was the way the sunset made the room look. Maybe it was the kissing. But that moment was the moment I decided that I was in love you. And like an idiot I said it out loud." I said, replaying the scene in my head.

Michael rest his forehead on my shoulder. "You're not an idiot."

I laughed, "Yes I am. Anyone else would have quit this relationship the moment you shoved me out of your house after I said that and didn't talk to me for five days." Michael hit my chest lightly.

"Shut up." He mumbled, but he still laughed lightly.

I sighed and tighten my arms around him. "We should get downstairs. I know mom is already cooking something but we don't need Jayden getting upset because he didn't make anything." I said and Michael agreed.

We made our way downstairs and Michael and Jayden started to help out mom in the kitchen. I went to set the table for breakfast and glanced at the presents under that tree. I debated with myself for a moment before running over to the tree and looking at the labels on the presents. All of mine were under the tree, addressed to the proper people. Most of the presents were for Jayden and I rolled my eyes at the various ones from Michael. I swear, he's going to spoil him rotten.

Shifting through more presents, I wondered if Michael and I had kids, would he spoil them too? I noticed two presents from Michael to mom and one for me. I grabbed the box and just stared at it. I wonder what it is. I hadn't exactly told him I wanted anything. We haven't gone to the mall or anything in awhile. And it wasn't a big box so it couldn't be anything extravagant. But then again, Michael wasn't a really flashy person. He even told me that he didn't want a gift. Of course I bought him one anyways, but it's not under the tree so he won't know until I give it to him. As I stared at the box I wanted to shake it, but I didn't want to break anything. And what is the point of shaking the box? Can someone really tell what a present is from shaking the box? I didn't understand the urge but still I remember doing it a lot when I was younger.

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