Chapter 27

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Aurora Atticus's POV

It's time to pack and go.

I cannot sit here, waiting for the unknown, and do nothing but aimlessly waiting for a man to come back. A man that could not be contacted at all. I am angry, hell, I was pissed. It's been one month-- pretty sure that's enough time to wait for a man. I don't know about other girls though, but I can't do this. 

 I cannot mess up my own life.

I know it's a paid leave, and I know that for this month, my salary still gets transferred to my bank promptly. But how would I feel? Do nothing and get paid. Sure, it's a life-- probably everyone's dream. But I feel really bad for taking money that other people in the company have to work for. It's unfair, and I cannot happily take it as if it's mine. 

One month was enough, and it was enough for me to find a place of my own and rent it. Luckily, I had Zed who helped me move in to my new house. Although Zed is his best friend, I am glad he never brought it up. I am glad he is partial on this matter.

Jobs wise-- I resigned from my post at Aomine's company and managed to get work at the same place as Ace. He recommended me since he realised how much I love teaching kids-- though sometimes they are a pain in the butt. Submitted my resume and went through the interview fairly, and managed to get in-- and it's been fun. Very fun. Of course, my work at his hotel during the weekend still stays. 

Occupying myself with work every single day, trying not to think about him... And just like that, six months passed by quickly. 


I am so exhausted these days and I was this close to taking a leave today from working at the hotel. I yawned so wide and there it is again, the memory of him telling me about jaw dislocation.

"A girl once told me to eat on chocolates when I'm tired" A familiar voice jolted me right up from the counter. Looking up front, I came face to face with this man. The man I was almost together with. The word where 'almost' sounds so sad to me whenever I used it. He extended his hand and offered me a box of chocolates. "How have you been, Aurora?" He asked. The same tone that he had always used on me-- somewhat caring, and somewhat intimidating.

I frowned at him. "I came here to get you" He simply said. Well, that's low. How could he come here and just think that everything is what it used to be? Does he think that I will go all 'okay' and 'sure' or 'let's go!' and I will go to wherever he is?


"That's six months late" I rejected and waltz pass him to get the food orders to the customers.

But he grabbed my arms and stopped me. "I had my reasons"

"I don't want to hear it" I insisted. It's too late. He had the chances but he lost it. I was there, I wanted to heal him. I wanted to be there for him, but instead, he left me without a word and gone for six months. 

Yet he was everywhere. In the business magazines, in the news, in the headlines. Making money for his father somewhere on the other side of the world. He attended parties, and had girls surrounding him-- and with him. Accompanying him everywhere he go. Apparently, that's a better lady or a better personal assistant than I was.

"I told you I had my reasons" He argued and now I am thoroughly pissed while letting all these get to me.

"You always have reasons and I am always kept in the dark. You always have reasons that you think I shouldn't know about-- that I should be the last one to know about what is going on in your life. I am tired of guessing what is in your mind or what your reasons are" I flared up, attracting plenty of on-lookers. Well, that's embarrassing. I walked away to prevent any more conflict but wait. I have not finished saying my line because this had me bothered since day 1.  I turned back to face him. "And you. I'm sure you could have spared at the very least 1 minute of your life to text me back or let me know how you were doing. I could have been fine with just any answer from you. But no, I didn't get any. So tell me how am I supposed to look at you right now, the same way that I used to? Have you got  any idea how hard it was for me to just wait for you?... and get over you?" I ranted more than I planned to. I don't know, probably the exhaustion speaking too. He caught me at the wrong time.

"Aurora, listen to me"

"I refuse. Now Mr. Axton, if you would excuse me  sir, I have a job to do" I walked away.

"Stop right there, Ms. Atticus" He growled.  "and stop denying me"

"You don't fucking own me" I scowled and walked away.

The second vulgar I used on him.



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