Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Too late

(Y/N) ran. She rand and ran, not stopping to take a single breathe at all. She knew that she would not be able to out run the horses, but she could lose them. Knowing the forest like at the back of her hand, she twist and turned at every corner, the galloping sound grew softer as the smirk on her face grew wider. Emma took this chance to climb up a tree to the top branch and perched up looking down at the confused cadets like a vulture eyeing its prey.

"Where did she go?"

"She was that a second ago..."

"To find her."

"But corporal..."

"I said go! I will not lose her a second time."

"Yes corporal Levi."

'Levi?' (Y/N)'s eyes wonders as she heard her fiance's name. No, cross that-- ex-fiance. Yup, that's more like it. (Y/N) unintentionally rubbed her wedding ring. A habit that she does whenever she is worried. All of a sudden, Levi's eyes snapped to hers. (Y/N) froze. Not an inch did she move from her spot as Levi tied his horse to a trunk of a nearby tree, never leaving his eyes from the spot. He knew something was looking at him. He could feel those eyes on him. He shot his hooks to the same branch as hers and cautiously walked towards her, still unaware that that was his lover. (Y/N)'s hand cover her mouth and nose, preventing any noise coming out from her. Her breath quickened, so did her heart beat, praying that Levi would not take a step any further.

Lucky for her, Levi backed away, thinking that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. He swung back down onto the ground, preparing to head back to camp base. Just as (Y/N) stood up from her position, the branch snapped and she pointed down, more branch breaking before her. She squeezed her eyes together, bracing for the fall and the pain to come.



(Y/N)'s body came in contact with the ground as she felt her shoulder dislocate. She was lucky the branches cushioned her and took most of the damage. She shuddered at the thought of her laying splattered the ground. Thank mother nature! (Y/N) stood up, wobbling, her legs jelly as she grabbed her dislocated should at snapped it back in place, the sound of bones grinding against each other made her never ceased to make her shiver even after so many years of such injury.

"(Y)...(Y)...(Y/N)? Is that you?"

The sound of her name left his lips, making her shivering in delight. It still sounded just as good as it did long ago, when they were still together... Her eyes met his ash grey ones that were filled with bewilderment, concern and love. But for (Y/N), oh...that's a different story all together. She grabbed her fallen swords and slashed the rope that was tying Levi's horse to the tree. She swiftly jumped onto the horse and rod away. After recovering from his shock, Levi zipped after his ex-lover.

It was not long after he found his horse at the corner of a steam accompanied with several footsteps that headed upstream and a message.

Good luck trying to find me. Two words: tick tock...

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