Chapter 12

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They walked into the pack house's back yard less then ten minutes later. Angel hadn't realized how far they had run the night before until she finally caught sight of the large house through the trees. She paused at the edge of the woods, turning her head when she felt the electricity build in the air. Jared and Tommy changed back into their human form, and she wondered if she should follow Jared and Tommy or head back to her apartment as they quickly pulled on shorts that had been left at the base of one of the trees.

She was still in wolf form, and she'd left her clothing in the woods by her home. She didn't want to shift back into her nude human form in front of them. She was just about to turn around and head towards her home, but one glance back from Jared had her moving forward again. She could always borrow something from Rachel, Amanda, or Tiffany.

Tommy reached the door first and held the door open for her as she walked into the mansion, followed closely by Jared. Jared looked down at her, amusement sparkling in his eyes as he watched her look around. "What's wrong, Little One?" he asked her.

Angel looked at both of the boys, pointedly looking at their shorts before rolling her eyes and flicking her head to the side. The gesture made Jared laugh as he imagined her flinging her hair over her shoulder and he could practically hear her saying, "Oh, please," in a codescending tone. She huffed at him, and turned her back on him.

"Oh," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "Point taken, Little One. Tommy, can you find Rachel and ask her if Angel could borrow some clothes? I think our white wolf is bashful."

A low growl filled the air at Jared's last comment, and Tommy laughed. "Yeah, I'll find her. Angel," he said, looking at her, "do you just want to come with me to find her? That way you can ask her yourself, when I'm out of the room, of course. I don't think my mate would really appreciate me being in the same room as a naked girl. One that wasn't her, of course."

Angel bobbed her head in agreement and started to follow Tommy up the hall, her nails clicking on the hardwood flooring. Pausing before rounding the corner into the family room, she looked back at Jared and flicked her tongue out at him. Jared laughed as she disappeared.

The room was large, three huge couches creating a U-shaped corral in front of a large, flat screen television mounted on the wall. Four wing back arm chairs sat the corners, allowing for even more seating. There was another seating area set off to the side, two more large arm chairs framing a bookshelf.

That was where they found Rachel and Tiffany. Both of the girls had been sitting in the chairs, magazines in their laps, their legs draped across the arms as they talked back and forth across the small space. They both trailed off as they watched the large white wolf enter the room. Everyone sitting, watching the tv and visiting, stopped talking as well and wondered who was in their home.

Tommy noticed the attention Angel was garnering and glared at the tv area, causing the people there to quickly turn their heads, and act like they weren't staring at the visitor. Turning back to his mate, Tommy cleared his throat. "Hey, baby. Angel," he motioned towards the white animal sitting in front of the arm chairs, "left her clothes by her house when she shifted and doesn't want to run around naked. Do you think she could borrow some clothes from you?"

"That's ANGEL?" Tiffany said in shock.

Angel nodded her head at her friend. She could understand the confusion. She hadn't really talked about her wolf, and what she looked like in her four-legged form to the group at school. She figured they just hadn't recognized her.

"Wow," Rachel breathed, her eyes wide. "Angel... You're so beautiful!"

Angel cocked her head in confusion. She hadn't been around any other shifters in their wolf forms, except Jared and Tommy, before, and didn't really know why her two friends were so shocked at the sight of her in her wolf. She looked down at her legs, trying to decide if what she could see was any different from what she'd noticed in normal wolves. They all laughed when she stood up and chased her tail as she tried to look at it as well.

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