An untold tale

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Lennding a helping hand in solving problems especially for a friend is always recognised as a good deed. But what if luck is not on your side and that problem becomes your problem.

This is tale from my past which was horrifying and beyond anyone's wildest imagination, buried in me for so, so many years. A true story where evil spirits do exist and reveal themselves to prove their existence and their evil powers to the earth beings.

AND the story begins... Thirteen years ago...

I was doing my first year law degree at ATC College in Kuala Lumpur. My college mate, Anu [fictitious name] was a shy, quiet girl who always sits at the corner of the room all by herself away from all of us. She speaks only a few words, only if she is asked a question. But she seems to be a pleasant person. Maybe she is a quiet person.

Anu has a health problem, she faints in class quiet often. All of a sudden, Anu will fall off her chair and thereafter after a couple of minutes she regains consciousness. The first time she fainted we rushed her to the nearest clinic. The doctor was not able to explain why she gets these fainting spells. She says that she has gone through a thorough medical check up and a CT scan and she was said to have a clean bill of health.

Anu was determined to continue with her studies despite her health problem. We were very worried for her and tried to talk to her but she moves away from us the moment we question her on her fainting spells. I was pretty sure there is a deep dark secret that is buried within her that she is not sharing with us...

One fine day, she revealed her dark secret to me.

Well, I am quite a pious girl, mother loving, temple going kind of a daughter. Exams were drawing closer and hmm... Time has come to seek God's Blessings [yes, I look for God on desperate times, full of guilt as always]. I decided to pay a visit to the nearest temple to my college at Petaling Street, Goddess Mariamman Temple. The Great Goddess Mariamman serves her disciples with health, wealth and happiness.

I bought a garland [flowers tied together with thread to be laid around the Goddess neck falling downwards, as an offering for her blessings] and gave the same to the priest who would then chant mantras in Sanskrit language and at the end of the prayers, the Priest would give the devotee a bunch of flowers with a banana placed on betel leaves from the altar. With this held in our hands, we are to go around the Temple three times [a Hindu's belief as a sign of respect for God]. As I was about to complete my third round, I saw a familiar face, alas, it was Anu who was sitting down in the temple area. I completed my prayers and seated myself beside her. She looked at me with a faint smile. Her eyes were blurry with water as though she cried and I asked her what was wrong with her. Anu was reluctant to speak initially. You see, I am a very persistent person at times and upon me insisting, she opened up finally. The dark secret that she kept hidden away from all of us. All these while.

Anu was from a poor family but she was a studious child from young, a top scorer and was shining all the way through her studies. She was envied by her relatives for her great achievements in studies as well as other co-curicular activities. She told me that her only dream was to become a Lawyer and when she was not offered the course she wanted in the local university, she opted to take an External Law Programme privately. Her parents were very supportive all the way through, her parents were rubber tappers who were illiterates.

Anu was offered a Scholarship by the college. She was the happiest person on earth at that time when she received the news as she was given a chance of her lifetime to be able to pursue her childhood ambition after all.

She told me a couple of days after she had enrolled herself in the College, she used to have nightmares like someone or something was trying to strangle her. She did not tell her mum initially but then she started to have fainting spells. She then thought that she has some medical problems and decided to return home for the weekend. You see, she stays in Taiping and she has to travel four hours to reach home. Her parents took her to see a doctor and a medium too. The doctors were unable to tell what is with her for sure but the medium told her a different story altogether.

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