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I remember how as a child I was treated not to have fear. They took me to some old lady and she whispered something to me, then she asked me to blow out the candle and asked me to do something else. 

I do not remember the procedure in great detail, but still remember it. The fact is that I had forgotten for what type of fear I was treated, and what memories they tried to erase. But recently, I began to remember - and I truly regret the return of these memories.

I must have been about four years old, but I do remember those days ... I remember some days before that too, when IT appeared again and again. At the time I was living with my aunt for a while, maybe was just visiting, but I stayed her for a long time, definitely more than a year, although my parents came to visit me.

That day I was sitting in the room of my cousin alone and was playing with his collection of cars, when I heard a strange whispering behind my back. I turned around. On my brother’s bed there was a boy and a girl of about twelve years of age, they were pale and their eyes were wide open. They were smiling too. They smiled baring their teeth - it's hard to describe, but it looked pretty creepy. They spoke in whispers to each other (but at the same time their lips did not move, their mouths did not open and they talked through those terrible smiles), and then the boy waved at me. What was also strange was that their pupils also didn’t move. They simply turned their heads in my direction. I stopped playing with toy cars and ran away from the room.

It was an evening, and my family was going to have dinner. I was already sitting at the table when a tall woman came into the kitchen. She was pale, with the same smile baring her teeth. She turned towards me, it seemed that her smile widened even more and wished me bon appetite, and then she crawled under the table and pulled out a tray with several plates. We didn’t have plate like those, and I've never seen them before, the same as this woman or those children who at that moment also came into the kitchen following their mother. I watched them, as if spellbound, and was not paying attention to my aunt, who has once again called me by my name and asked me what I was looking at.

At that time the woman was seating her children on the chairs opposite to me and put plates in front of them; then she looked at me and put another plate in front of me, saying, "Eat, my girl, you're so skinny!" - Then she turned again to her children and began saying something to them. Then I looked at the contents of my plate ...

Why do I remember it so clearly? Why is this memory in front of my eyes every time I just start to fall asleep? On a plate in front of me lay a part of a human face. Boiled, with one eye somehow still preserved in the orbit, and around the edge of the plate there lay fingers. I screamed. I screamed so loudly that my aunt grabbed me and started to calm me down and asking me what happened, and I told her about the fingers on a plate, about a strange woman and her children, who already were not paying any attention to me. While I was still shaking, I heard a girl's voice, "Can I take her eye, please? She did not eat it, mom. "And the girl reached for my plate across the table. To my plate, which was put in front of me by her mother. I began crying again.

At night they sat on the floor of my room and played some kind of game, and those ghoulish smiles were still on their faces; and I cried as quietly as I could, hoping not to see them anymore.

As the days passed by, I told my aunt about the woman and her children, told her about the horrible smiles and how when I woke up at night, I saw a woman standing in front of my bed. I told her about how every evening they dine with us at the table and eat human flesh. Also, the children of the woman played strange games - sometimes they butchered a body of a kitten right in the middle of the room and wrapped its guts onto themselves without any fear of staining their clothes. Sometimes they touched each other in places where you are not supposed to touch others and made strange moaning sounds while doing that, and their mother, seeing this game seemed to smile even wider (when I got older, when I got back those memories, I already knew what their "game" was called).

My aunt first did not believe my stories, she cursed and screamed at me to stopped making up those horrors, and for some reason she cried at night. 

I think the last straw was that once these "people" decided to engage me in their game. The woman was pulling me out of my bed saying that she wanted me to become friends with her children, and I screamed and fought while her nails dug into my skin and left terrible traces. That's when my aunt ran into the room and saw me sitting on the floor in tears and blood flowing out of long scratches on my feet. Then she took me to that old lady to "treat me from having fear", although, I think she already knew something about the "inhabitants" of her house. When I returned to my parents, I didn’t stay in touch with her. Several years later she moved out of her house. I’ve never heard about my aunt, my cousin and her husband again.

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