Chapter 3

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Standing in front of our new house, I sighed before opening the door because after opening the door I would be showered with a bucket full of questions. I inserted my keys and entered the house, there were many boxes left to unpack.

 Unpacking. The worst part of moving.

I made my way through the boxes and found my mom in the kitchen; she was sitting between boxes; removing everything and placing it neatly.

She looked up and gave me a warm, comforting smile. “How was the day sweetheart? Made any new friends? Are they treating you nicely? How are the teachers?” I sighed while she continued, raising her eyebrows, “Are there any good-looking boys?”

See! Bucket full of questions. But one question that I registered was ‘Are there any hot boys?’ and guess who I thought about? Ethan. The more I try to run away from him, the more space he is trying to make in my mind. 

“Mom, one question at a time, please? Oh! Oh! You won’t believe who I met today!” I said happily.

She replied with curiosity, “Who?”

I rolled my eyes and replied with a high-pitched girly voice, “Erica! I actually met her!”

Her eyes widened with surprise, “Erica Wilson?”

I grinned at her, “Yes!”

She got up from the floor and placed her hands on my shoulders, “I’m glad you know someone here. I was really worried that you would hate it here and then be angry with me.”

I smiled at my mother’s concern and said, “It’s alright mom. How can I ever be angry with you?”

She pulled me in for a hug and when we parted I told her that I had a lot of work to do and went upstairs to freshen up.

Entering my room, I decided to start unpacking. I went downstairs to get some boxes back up. Tying my hair in a high ponytail, I bent down to pick a box which had the initial ‘A’ on it.

Grunting, I started dragging the box towards the stairs, how on earth was I going to take this upstairs? Mom picked the box up from the free side and I gave her a small smile. Slowly, we started climbing the stairs; looking behind me to make sure not to trip.

“If you need any help, I’ll be down in the kitchen,” mom said and started walking down the stairs, massaging her back.


After three hours of unpacking, all I had properly was set up was my closet, the clothes neatly hanged on the rod and T-shirts and shorts folded and arranged on the shelf. Satisfied, I lied down on my bed and exhaled loudly through my nose. My phone rang, startling me, I didn’t give my number to anyone.

“Sup Ash?” I heard Erica exclaim.

“How did you get my number?” I asked, confused.

I heard her exhale her breath, “Abby gave it to me.”

“And where did Abby get it from?” I asked lifting my legs in the air and letting them fall back down with a soft thud.

“I don’t know, go ask her,” she responded. “Well, I’m really bored. You want to come over? We could have a movie marathon!”

“I don’t know,” I said, looking around my room. “I have a lot to unpack. I’ve got to study too.”

“Aw!” she cooed sadly. “Please try coming! Pretty please! You can get your books here if you want to.”

I chuckled softly. “Fine, text me your address.” 

“Okay!” she said happily.

“Mom,” I yelled, walking down the stairs.

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