Chapter Five

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"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

- Albert Camus

Song: I Found A Girl by The Vamps


Tina's POV

What the hell? Did he just walk away from me without apologizing? Stupid bastard. I almost fell because he was like a wall when we bumped into each other. Good thing I steadied myself before any harm or injury would come. His chest was so hard.



But it was true.

It wouldn't be my fault if ever I did harm myself. It would be that man's fault.

What a heartless, arrogant bastard!

I didn't even get the chance to teach him a lesson because he just walked away from me. Not even saying he was sorry. No manners.

Is that what his parents taught him and what he learned from school?

I don't believe so.

"Soon. If ever we bumped into each other again, I am going to teach you a lesson. I am going to make you define respect. Respect to women. And I'm going to show what self- discipline and kindness is. I don't care who you are. You have to learn, beast."

I said to no one in particular. I didn't care. I was just so angry right that moment. No, angry was an understatement. I was furious. I would not let men treat me like a trash or a useless toy. I would stand for myself.

Who does he think he is?

From the looks of him, he looked like a billionaire, dressed in a fine black two- piece Armani suit. He looked filthy rich, handsome and ho-

What the-

Did I just think of him like that? No. No. No. I didn't even know him. He was my enemy for Christ's sake.

My God, what am I thinking?

I repeatedly slapped my own face. Slamming my fist on my mouth. Seriously? H- O- T.

Oh my God. I was overreacting and I knew it. That word had varied definitions.

But you were referring to that man's HOT body.

I'm not.

You're denying it.

I'm not.

Yes, you are.

I'm not.

You are.

Ugh. Fine. He's HOT. Happy now?

I hated this. I hated gorgeous, hot men.

Maybe it's time for you to have a boyfriend.

That voice in my head again.

"No. I didn't even get a job." I fired back. "So shut up!"

Am I really crazy? Oh my God. I'm talking to myself. I should stop this. I should stop thinking out loud. I slapped my cheeks, left and right repeatedly to snap out of my crazy state.

I have eaten, right?

Yes, you have. You're just really crazy.


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