Chapter 20

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Jack's father or Dixon Senior, as he was known was feeling much better after his surgery. He had been under bed rest for a month and was now back in tip-top shape. He made a decision not to stay at his own house with his son after he was discharged from the hospital, for the unthinkable had happened.

He paced rapidly in the confinement of his hotel room, trying to find a solution to his problem.

You see, the old man had fallen in love with a woman simply known as Heidi.

Years since the only woman to have captured his heart had passed away, he found a lady who tugged at his heart. He hadn't told the graceful lady waiting at the hospital's reception that he was the founder of Dixon Enterprises, nor did he mention he was a newly discharged patient. 

He sat beside her and just talked. For some reason they clicked. He had started the conversation on a whim to pass the time. He never imagined she would want to chat with him about things that were seemingly gibberish, like the plaster on the walls and the detergent in clothes.

It wasn't love at first sight, when he noticed her bluish grey eyes and natural salt pepper hair, her gentle smile and the way she swatted away his hand when he tried to hold it. But for the first time in twenty years, his heart was racing without a pacemaker. So when she mentioned that she would be returning home to Frankfurt the next day, he was in a dilemma.

Lisa, you'll like her. he said to his passed wife's image that very night. He could have sworn her portrait was smiling back at him. She had always told him to move on, ever since her health had started deteriorating.

"I love you." Lisa had told him. "You should be with someone who makes you happy."

"It's only you Lisa." he had sobbed.

"Not at all. Little Jack is the apple of your eye, isn't he? You have to live and love again. For yourself and Jack, but more so for me." she said kissing him. The memories of her came flooding back, but yet the thought of the woman he'd met, didn't diminish.

"Oh Lisa what should I do?" he said aloud. He could have sworn he heard Lisa's voice telling him with a laugh. 

"Go after her you idiot. It took you long enough to fall in love again, don't let her go." she said.

Maybe he was losing it. But in society little impulsiveness was known as madness. A good businessman was nothing if he wasn't impulsive.

He sighed. He didn't even know her full name or address. Yet forgetting her wasn't something he could do.

Maybe he could make it to the airport on time. Otherwise, he knew it had been a while since he'd been to Frankfurt. Jack could help him get a seat in a plane, couldn't he? After all Jack had launched a new airline under their company. What are son's for, if they can't help their widower father fall in love again?


Brielle was staring at the ceiling lost in thought. She had just finished her lunch and was lying on the queen sized bed, admiring the chandelier. Several thoughts raced through her mind, as she tried to keep calm. She had swallowed some antibiotics that Jack had left on the table for her, to help her body fight any germs she may have picked up while swimming in the sewer. The medicine was making her head spin, and slightly weak.

She was more worried about Jack, than she would have liked to admit. Why was he leaving so suddenly? For some reason, she didn't like the fact that he was travelling so far to save a woman's honour. It raised innumerable questions in her head. Her thoughts echoed like an influential person's voice in her brain.

Love Me? Like You Do.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora