Chapter 5

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3 days passed by, just 3 more days before the concert. Me and Suza were walking around Seoul. We decided that we should go shopping today since we didn't did that yet. We walked around a really busy street with a lot of clothing shops. Suddenly a cute little fashion store caught my eye. I grabbed Suza's hand. "Let's go to that fashion store there!" I said while pointing at it, "it looks so cute~". She looked at the direction were I was pointing at. "Ommooo~ it really does look cute!!" she said excited, "let's go!!". We headed to the store. When we entered it we were greeted by a kind lady around the 25. It looked so cute from the inside, with a beautiful big chandelier that caught my eye. I looked around amazed, "Waah~ so cute" I said amazed. "Thank you" the lady said, "can I help you both?" she asked kindly. "Actually we are going to a BTS concert in a few days and we decided to buy a cute outfit for it." Suza said. "And then we came across this cute store" I finished her with a smile. "Ommoo~" the lady said, "a BTS concert huh? Exciting!!!". We both smiled at her. "Right!" Suza said. "So what are you looking for? A cute dress or something else?". "Actually, I wanted to go for jeans and a cute top" Suza asked. "I don't really care, as long as I think it looks nice then it's okay." I said shyly. "Alright" the lady clapped her hands, "let's do some cute outfit search to make those boys look at you both!!". We both got really excited and search around the store. Sometimes the lady would come up to us with some outfits and we gladly accepted them. After a while we went to the fitting rooms. I waited for Suza to get dressed so I could help with her decision. She had 4 outfits but at the end she chose for the second outfit which was black ripped skinny jeans, a black and white flannel and a black beanie. It looked really cute on her. It was definatly her style and also Jungkooks. "I hope I will get his attention with this" she said. "I bet he will find you really cute!" I said and winked at her. She smiled bright at me, " Okay, now it's your turn!!" she pushed me into the fitting room and closed the curtains. I laughed. After 4 outfits, I finally was at the last one. I dressed myself in it and went out of the fitting room to show Suza. Her mouth fell open. "You look amazing!!" she said, "Suga will fall for you in a second if he saw you like that!!". I blushed. It was a cute little black dress with a black fake leather jacket and black low converse. It was cute and tough at the same time. "Really?" I asked shyly. "Yes!! It's totally his style!" She said excited. "Alright, then I'll take this one!" I said while smiling brightly at her and the lady. I changed back into my normal clothes and we both paid for the outfits. "Have fun at the concert" the lady said kindly. "Ohh trust me, we will" I said, "bye!" we waved her goodbye and went back to the busy street.

"Alright were shall we go now?" I asked Suza. "Hmm" she thought for a while. "Let's go to the hair salon!". "Why the hair salon?" I asked confused. "We should totally get a complete makeover for the concert, we already have the outfit. Now the only thing that is left is the hair and makeup" she said confident. "Ahhh, now I get it" I said, "what are you gonna do with your hair?". "Actually I'm gonna dye my hair dark red, I wanted it for a long time and now it's the perfect opportunity" she said while smiling at me. "It will totally fit you!" I smiled back at her. "What are you gonna do?" she asked. I thought for a while. "Hmm, maybe light brown? Or ash blonde, I don't know" I said. "You should go for the light brown, it will look really nice on you!" Suza said. "Alright, I will be a light brunette" I laughed. We walked around the streets and asked some people for a good hair salon. After a while we finally found one. It looked really nice and friendly and the staff was really nice. "Can I help you both?" one of the staff asked. "Yes, me and my friend would like to dye our hair if that is possible" I said. "I'm sorry but we wouldn't make that today since we're closing in a hour. But we can make a reservation for tomorrow if you want?" she asked. "Sure, is tomorrow at 2 pm alright?" I asked. "Perfect!" the lady said, "I'll see you tomorrow then! Bye". "Till tomorrow" we both said and went back on our way to the hotel. "I'm kind of starving" Suza said. "Yeah, me to" I said, "let's search for a good restaurant as a nice ending for this really fun day!". "Yeah! Good idea!" She said. We both looked around for a good restaurant and ended up at 'Mingles' which is the most interesting fusion Korean dining experience in Gangnam. We already heared of it a lot so we were pretty curious about it and found it. We took a table for two and sat down. "Would you both like something to drink?" a ober said. "Yeah, I would like Ice Tea please" Suza said. "Same for me please" I said. "Alright, it will be there in a minute, thank you for the order." the ober said kindly and left. Me and Suza both grabbed the menu card. "Waahh, what shall I get?" I asked myself loudly. "I don't know, all of it seems so delicious" Suza said. A few minutes later our drink came and we both ordered our dinner. I chose for the charred beef tenderloin with truffle 'jang' sauce and Suza for the soybean paste-marinated lamb, grilled over charcoal and covered in vegetable powder. While waiting for our food we talked about today. "Today was so fun!!" Suza said, "all these cute shops and food stalls, it's so nice here". "I know right!" I said, " and I'm so glad we found our outfit and have an reservation for that hair salon, it really looked nice and friendly there". "Yeah, they were all so kind. But other than the outfit we really bought a lot" Suza laughed. I also laughed "Yeah, we should control ourself a little bit". Before we knew it our food was right infront of us and it was time to eat. "Ommmooo~ it looks so tasty and delicous" I said. "It does!! Here taste a piece of mine, it's so good" Suza said. I took a bite of her food. "It really is good!" I said amazed at the flavours, "here take a bite of mine, it's also really good". She took a bite of my food, "waaahhhh this is also really good!" she said happily. We both ate our food and talked a lot. When we finished the same ober from before came up to us. "Would you both also like some dessert?" he asked kindly. "Yes, I would like the well known Korean traditional sauce crème brûlée trio" I said excited. He chuckled at my reaction, he was around the 20 and quite handsome. "Same goes for me" Suza said. "Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes with the dessert" he said and left. "You know?" Suza said, "he is really handsome!". I laughed "Yeah he really is!". We both laughed. After a while our dessert came. We both finished it, paid and went back to the hotel.

Once we entered our room we immediately went to the bedroom and fell both a sleep like an angel. Excited for what tomorrow had to bring.


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