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I wake with a start about an hour after dawn, and for a moment I don't realize what woke me. I sit up groggily, looking around, my heart pounding. Everyone's sound asleep in bed, not to be bothered to wake early on a Saturday, even with the Hogsmeade trip in a few hours. When I glance over to the window, I notice an owl barely managing to keep itself standing on the ledge outside the glass, a letter in its beak. It looks rather irritated, ruffling its feathers at me. I realize what woke me: it ran straight into the window.

With half a grin, I move over to the window, sliding it open and letting in a chill blast of wintry air. The owl hops into the dormitory, glaring at me admonishingly, as if I should know better than to leave all the windows closed when there are owls about trying to get their deliveries done. I try to look apologetic rather than laugh, note the name on the letter it's carrying, and point it to a sleeping Robert Long. The owl glides over, drops its letter on Robert's head, and then soars back to the window ledge; there it pauses to give me one last disapproving look, ruffling its feathers at me, before soaring out of sight.

I grin and look at Robert, who hasn't stirred despite the letter dropped on his head.

Sirius mumbles something in his sleep, rolling over in bed, and his blankets drop to the floor. I smile, amused, and glance over to James, expecting him to have been woken by the activity in the dormitory; he, though, is fast asleep, and I hardly blame him. He spent all of Thursday and Friday with Lily, talking to her in the common room into the early hours of the morning, and he has to be exhausted, though pleased. Lily loved his gift; apparently she found it while rummaging through her bag in the library, and the Snitch caused quite a stir flitting through the aisles, Transfigured into the shape of a heart. She wasn't even the least upset at being told (though by a rather amused librarian instead of annoyed as she would usually be) to leave the library. The stuffed stag James gave her once she found him delighted her; I was there to watch that part. I have a feeling James is contemplating telling her that he, Sirius, and Peter are Animagi, which makes me more than a little nervous, but I trust Lily.

As Sirius gives another grumble and shivers a bit, I realize that the window I've left open is creating a chill draft. I close it quickly and then walk over to Sirius' bed, bending to recover his blankets from the floor and drape them over his sleeping form.

He swats at my hands lazily but with surprising force as I draw the covers up over his chest, and I start, muttering an "Ow!" without thinking even though it doesn't really hurt. Sirius' eyes flutter open, and he stares at me for a second, looking quite confused.

Then he sits up, looking around sleepily and rubbing his head. He yawns, lifting his arms over his head, and asks, "What're you doing? Not planning mischief on me, are you?"

I laugh at his drowsy inquiry and drawling tone, but shake my head. "You kicked your covers off."

He regards me suspiciously for a second, his gray eyes dull and sleepy and his hair in disarray. Then he shrugs and murmurs with a touch of playful sarcasm, "Oh, how sweet." Through another yawn he asks, "Wha—at time is it?"

I shrug and reply, "Early," as I sit down on the edge of his bed, narrowly missing sitting on his legs.

He's waking up now. With a grumpy frown, he says, "I ought to go eat so I can get to the Hospital Wing on time."

At this, I smile mischievously, drawing my lower lip in between my teeth. It took some effort to keep Sirius from finding out that I asked Madam Pomfrey to give him today off of his detention, but I managed it, saving the surprise for this morning. Now I just say, "What, and miss the Hogsmeade trip?"

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