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DaMarco pov
I walked into the waiting room of the hospital.

Ty and Wes was holding Toya. Latoya was screaming and crying at the same time she was saying something but I didn't understand.

"Baby you gotta stop and talk to me." I said grabbing her hand.

She looked up at me and jumped on me and started punching me and slapping me.

"Aye Toy.. Chill out." Tyreese picked her up.

"It's all your damn fault!" She screamed inches away from my face.

"If Caleb fucking dies. I will kill your ass too."

The cops came and took her away.

Everything was happening so fast.

Toya had busted my lip.

"You good bro?" Wes gave me some ice.

I sat down in the chair. "Yea I think so."

"Now tell me how this is my fault?" I asked them.

They looked at each other. "Well uhh see Rocky got out of jail-"

I stood up. "He what!"

"Yo calm down." Ty said.

"Rocky sent some people out and they did this too Caleb."

I sighed. "I can't get a break from this nigga. Let me catch his ass on the streets it's going to be over with for him."

The cops brought Toya back. She sat down and was silently crying.


"No say mierda to yo! Yo sólo quiero también ser izquierda solo!" She screamed through her tears.

(Don't say shit to me! I just want to be left alone!")

"Does anybody know what the hell she just said?" Wes said.

I sighed. "Just leave her alone man."
Wes and Tyreese left about 4 hours ago. It was going on 11 at night and we still haven't heard anything.

I sat in the seat closer to Toya. She hasn't been talking to anyone except the nurses and doctors.

I grabbed her hand but she pulled it away.


"Get away from me Marco. All I want right now is my son." She said turning away from me.

I sighed I know she is going through it right now. So I just let her cry.

Latoya pov
"Family of Caleb Cooper?"

I instantly stood up. I shook Marco awake. I haven't been asleep at all.

"Yes that's us."

"Well he is okay but-" 

I didn't care about the rest I just wanted to know if he was okay.

I ran into his room and he was half asleep.

"Baby wake up for mommy." I said grabbing his hand.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Mommy my side hurts."

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